' What's Happening Between the Buddies.'

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The group spilted up, They were desperate to find atleast a key to open that door.

- Meanwhile with Inventor and Scout -

'' Found anything?'' Scout grabbed a broken Flashlight, and threw it behind herself. '' No..'' Inventor grabbed the flashlight and put it in his toolbox for fixing later. '' Hm.. What are these?'' Inventor twitched his head. '' What is what? '' Scout headed towards Inventor. '' This-'' Inventor pointed to a button that looked like a clock, but it didnt tick at all, it was red. '' A clock?'' Scout tried touching it.

'' I think I know what this is.'' Inventor skipped to the walless side. '' See those gates there? I think this is a button to close or open them.'' Inventor exclaimed. '' Maybe the neighbor can only access these gates?'' Scout assumed. '' Yes.'' Inventor clicked his fingers. '' Hm.. I still havent seen or found anything..'' Scout secured the cabinets and drawers. '' Thats werid.. maybe the others have found all the keys already?'' Inventor looked up to Scout. '' No. These drawers and cabinets haven't been touched, no way.'' Scout shot the cabinets closed with her slingshot.

Scout was walking.. until... '' WATCH OUT!'' Inventor held back Scout from her almost stepping into a bear trap. '' ... That was close!'' Inventor sighed in relief. '' Thanks, Inventor. saved my life there, I dont want a bear trap ripping my socks..'' Scout held a hand for a fist bump. Inventor fist bumped Scout, as a thank you.

'' You think the others are doing good?'' Inventor shivered and destroyed the bear trap with a hammer. '' Im sure, they'll be fine..'' Scout scoffed. '' Im kind of worried about them- its been really quiet.'' Inventor's legs were shaking, he was looking around the room. '' Don't worry, each of them have a fearless in the buddy system.'' Scout put her hands on her hips.

'' Me, Brave and Leader.'' Scout flipped her slingshot and catching it. '' Haha. the girls being the fearless one.'' Inventor rolled his eyes. '' Im not the one who screamed after -'' '' Shush!'' Inventor interrupted Scout. '' whatever- keep searching.'' Scout spun around and contiued searching.

-Meanwhile with Leader and Detective-

'' Im worried about my sister- why cant I go with her?'' Detective shivered. '' Don't worry, your sister knows self defense, dont act you lost a child Detective, over protective brother-'' Leader giggled at Detective. '' Agh.. Fine!'' Detective crossed his arms. Leader and Detective walked into a girl's bedroom, next to a boy's bedroom.''

'' Whats this?'' Leader secured the room. '' Its a kid's bedroom, I think this is Mya's room, the same replica of her is right here.. '' Detective picked up the doll from the doll house, then he took a picture of it. '' You stole it.'' Leader swung around and stared at Detective. '' Stole what?'' Detective twitched his head. '' The camera, its actually the neighbor's , you have the pictures of where the keys are.'' Leader fixed her dress, staring at Detective. '' I do? '' Detective looked through the pictures tooken in the camera roll, Leader was right. '' This is just way more easier.. How did i not know this before-'' Detective looked through the photos that have been tooken.

'' I dont blame you, I might have tooken your camera when you slept yesterday..'' Leader mumbled. '' How do you know where I- oh yeah, you sleep over alot.'' Detective reminded himself. Leader giggled as she was looking through the closet of the Little Girl's room. '' There's barely any clothes in this... I feel bad for her.'' Leader fixed her dress. '' or Maybe they are planning to move, they are way to many boxes in this place.'' Enzo stated. '' Yeah, your right.'' Leader took out a chapstick and put some on. '' Look- a guitar-'' Enzo carefully took of the guitar placed on the wall, and looked around it. '' You shouldn't be touching it.. what if you drop it and it makes noise?'' Leader walks over to support to stop the guitar from falling on the floor.

Leader giggled and put the guitar back on the wall. '' Uh.. anyways- back to searching..''

'' Something Wrong?'' Detective walked over. '' Nothing.'' Leader fixed her skirt, and looked back. ''.. I heard footsteps, not heavy ones though.. I hear 2 people..'' Leader walked over to see Brave and Bagger running towards the room. '' SIS! '' Detective reached out a hand!

'' HES CHASING THEM!'' Leader grabbed a chair. Brave did a slide in the room, and Bagger collapsed on the floor in the room, Leader blocked it off. '' Maritza? are you okay? Are you hurt?'' Detective panicked, searching around Brave. '' Im fine, thank you for caring.'' Brave smiled and put boxes infront the door.

'' What happened?'' Leader helped Brave blocking the door with more protection. Detective helped Bagger up, and calmed him down. '' So.. I met up with Scout and Inventor along with Bagger.. and- we heard footsteps.. Scout and Inventor decided to hide in seprate closets.. There wasnt anymore closets.. so- we decided to run, then he saw us, chased us, and we ended up here.''

Everyone could hear the door banging, and the neighbor grunting with anger, as he struggles to kick the door open.  Brave gripped onto her bat. '' Oh.'' Leader walked to the opposite of the girl's bedroom, Aaron Peterson's room.

'' What a nice room!'' Bagger skipped around and complimented the looks. '' How come the neighbor literally blocks every window expect for the less important rooms?'' Brave kicked a toy car she found on the floor. '' Its the neighbor..'' Detective took pictures of the paintings and the room.

Soon, they heard screaming outside of the 2 rooms, It sounded like Inventor, then again, hearing Scout shooting walnuts and the neighbor groaning : ''Ow!''.

'' They're in trouble.. Lets go.'' Leader and the group chased after the screaming, which was downstairs, Inventor simply had a key hanging from his belt trying to go unlock it, he gets choked by the neighbor, Meanwhile Scout had no problem hitting the neighbor with ultimate power.

'' Hey! Leave him alone!'' Detective yelled, throwing a box at the neighbor. His target changed, from Inventor to Detective, Bad idea, He thought. The neighbor rushed up the stairs and tried grabbing Detective by the neck, but failed. Brave sent boxes flying with her strong bat, some boxes ended up getting ripped open, by how strong it is.

Leader glared, she wanted to do something.. but she hated to see the neighbor to kill her friend, Scout grabs Inventor's hand and leads him to a chair, he sits down and lays to have a rest. Scout goes back in the battle, and she insanely shot the neighbor with walnuts. The Neighbor whimpered as the sharp edges of the nuts got hit in his eye, he ran away, far away from them, he'll be back.

Brave flipped her hat backwards, glaring at the movements of the neighbor running, she sighed. '' Wheres Inventor..'' She mumbled. '' Hes in the dining room, Having a rest.'' The group goes to the dining room, finding Inventor slouching in a chair. '' Are you okay? '' Detective rubbed the dust of his camera. '' Yes im fine..'' Inventor grabbed some fabric, and a piece of tape, he made a bandage out of those two materials, and put it across his neck, feeling relaxed, he smiles and stands up. '' There! creative bandage.'' Inventor giggled as he swung his tools in the belt.

'' You still have a key to unlock the door!'' Scout reminded him, while smiling at the group. '' Right- a fabulous blue key!'' Inventor skipped to the door, and unlocked the very first..


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