The Togepi Heist

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Inside the storage area, Team Rocket were having a celebratory feast, helping themselves to a whole pile of food from the ship's supplies, whilst a weeping Togepi had been locked in a glass case that had been intended for Pikachu.

Inside the storage area, Team Rocket were having a celebratory feast, helping themselves to a whole pile of food from the ship's supplies, whilst a weeping Togepi had been locked in a glass case that had been intended for Pikachu

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"Well, we may not have grabbed Pikachu as we intended," said Meowth as he chomped down on some crisps. "But I think we still managed to get a good consolation prize, with time for a midnight snack!"

"Does anybody have any idea where this tub might be headed?" asked James as he helped himself to some grub in a tin.

"Anywhere will do," said Jessie contently. "We'll just hop off at some part and cleverly disappear into a touristy crowd frenzy."

"Great! Sounds like a piece of cake," smirked James.

"Speaking of cake, we might as well take all of this chow-wow while we're at it!" added Meowth.

"Wobbuffet!" said Wobbuffet, as it proceeded to help itself to some of the food pile.

So ecstatic were they at finally capturing any of their enemies' Pokémon, that Team Rocket had quite forgotten how unimpressed their boss, Giovanni, had been the last time they had attempted to present Togepi to him four years or so ago. But even if the head of Team Rocket would again reject Togepi, Jessie, James and Meowth were confident that they could sell the unfortunate Pokémon to some collector on the black market.

"Priiiiiii!" cried Togepi in distress from inside the glass container.

"Oh, poor little Togepi," said Jessie sarcastically. "You're just wasting your breath, you little crybaby!"

"Yeah, that glass case was designed to hold Pikachu, so it should easily hold you!" added James.

"So why don't you be a good little Pokémon and sit back and enjoy this peaceful sea cruise," finished Meowth.

"There's nothing peaceful about it," came the furious voice of Ash Ketchum from behind.

Surprised, Team Rocket looked up from their munching, as they found themselves confronted by Ash, Misty, Pikachu, the Captain and Machoke!

"We should have guessed you were behind all this!" snarled Misty.

"You've got some nerve stealing Misty's Togepi away from her," rebuked the Captain harshly. "Who do you think you are?"

"Prepare for trouble on land, air and sea!" began Jessie.

"And make it double, the trouble's on me!" added James

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all peoples' within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."



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