Pikachu's Explosive Predicament

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They all quickly clambered into the jeep, and Birch sent the vehicle speeding back down the road as fast as he could away from the port and towards the southwest corner of town where his lab was placed. As the SUV speeded along, Pikachu's feverish electric sparks became larger than before, alarming Ash and Misty.

"I see," said the Professor as he noticed this. "Symptoms of electrical discharge!"

"What's that mean? What symptoms?" asked Ash.

"Do you know what's wrong with Pikachu, Professor?" chimed in Misty.

Birch nodded grimly. "Pikachu is unable to release its electricity regularly, so it randomly sparks like that. It's a serious problem that sometimes occurs among electric types. Tell me, has Pikachu been exposed to any magnetic fields?"

"He has! Pikachu got stuck to an electromagnet just yesterday!" Misty exclaimed, as she immediately remembered the terrible device that Team Rocket had used to grab Pikachu.

Abruptly, Pikachu began struggling wildly in Ash's arms, as though it were trying to escape.

"What is it, Pikachu? What's the matter?" asked Ash as he desperately tried to get Pikachu to relax

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"What is it, Pikachu? What's the matter?" asked Ash as he desperately tried to get Pikachu to relax.

"The high fever is confusing it," answered Birch, just as Pikachu gave off another powerful spark. "This is bad. We've got to get it to the lab immediately! You two kids better hold on tight!"

Immediately, Birch swerved the speeding jeep off the road and into the trees of a nearby forest, making Ash, Misty and Togepi cry out in fright.

"Could you give us a bit more warning next time!" Misty yelled, feeling a little queasy from all the twisting and turning, as Birch sent the SUV shooting through the forest and down a steep hill.

"Sorry, we don't have a moment to lose!" said the Professor seriously as he put his foot to the pedal.

Within a matter of minutes, Birch's laboratory came into sight, and the Professor quickly brought the jeep to a screeching halt by the main entrance, where Joshua was waiting for them.

Within a matter of minutes, Birch's laboratory came into sight, and the Professor quickly brought the jeep to a screeching halt by the main entrance, where Joshua was waiting for them

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"This way, Professor. Everything is in place and ready for you," reported Joshua as he quickly led the way inside towards one of the examination rooms.

Once inside, Pikachu was gently put down on one of the examination tables and the pads of a headphone-like device were swifty attached to its red cheeks. The device was in turn connected via a telescopic arm to a large machine, the controls of which which Joshua was standing ready by.

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