Prologue- They're Perfect

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 Quick little a/n here yes I included phan in this but only as the parents and they most likely won't have a POV but I'm not sure yet as I'm winging this so........enjoy, I guess.

 Third person POV

"We really hope you find the right girls." The Caretaker told the couple as she rounded the children in a line, holding a little girl- two little girls- in her arms. The black haired male immediately reached for a small toddler, probably only two or three, "What are your names?" he asked them. One giggled. "They're not the best at speaking," the caretaker said, handing the infant that she held in her arms to the brown haired man.

The baby squirmed in his arms, "That's Matilda," the caretaker told him. Yet, soon, the child stopped, and instead looked up at the man, reaching to touch his face and observe his looks, "And this is?" he asked.

"Kendall." The ebony haired man set down the child, joining his husband whilst staring the the children. "They're adorable." he said. The brown haired male laughed, "Yes, Phil, everything is adorable to you."

"You're adorable to me."

"You're more adorable."

"They're more adorable, Dan."

"Agreed." Phil wrapped his arms around Dan and looked at the baby before looking Dan in the eyes. Dan smiled brighter than Phil had ever seen. "Perfect?" he asked him. "Perfect." Dan agreed kissing his husband sweetly before turning to the caretaker to sign the papers. They were going to have the perfect daughter.

yayyyy I know prologues are really short but I believe it to be necessary. Hoping to do two updates tonight but we'll see how that goes.

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