Chapter 1- Hybridity

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Matilda's POV

Hybrid. It was one of the first words that Kendall and I had learned. Hy-br-id. Hybrid. People who were hybrid were just like everyone else, they said, but worse and evil. The other soul didn't leave. It hung around for a while, refusing to let go, and tearing they're whole body apart, and that's why they were searching for a cure.

We were always afraid of hyrbrids and hybridity. I was always more dominant than Kendall. I could say yes when she wanted to say no, I could force us to eat my favorite food even if it wasn't hers, and I could keep my mouth shut when she wanted to speak. But even so, she had a tendency to stick around, and that scared both of us. Even more, it scared our fathers. They begged the doctors for more time, saying that we'd come around. When we were 11 years old, Kendall was said to be gone, but she wasn't. Every now and then I let her come out and walk around. At night when we need something to drink, or on the way home from school. Somewhere where people can't see our major personality differences.

It was risky, but we could do it, especially with the help of our parents. Not hybrids, but certainly not fitting in. Even worse, they were hella famous, which means we were, too, at least internet wise. Well, technically I was, Kendall... no one knew about.

<Matilda, we have to get this project done on time, the blog and the videos are less important right now.>

<We can finish them another time, Ken> I tell her, nervously tapping our pencil on our desk. The girl sitting next to us gave us a glare and I stopped my tapping. "We have a visitor today," Mr. Lee told the class, gesturing a tall officer who stood next to him. "This is officer Mark Pen, and he's here to tell us about hyrbrids." A few people groaned, sick of hearing the same stories, while others stiffened or sent nervous whispers around the room. "Not just any hybrids," the officer said in a low voice, "Hybrids that exist right in your school. You may even be sitting next to one, now." Kendall's nervousness surged through our body.

<They found us!>

<Ken, it might not be us. Calm down before I start getting nervous>

<But what about our dads?>

<They'll be fine, they can take care of themselves.> "Not to be alarmed, kids. We're just doing some inspection here today, looking out for hybrids. Don't panic." almost at once, the tensity in the room was somewhat deceased, as if a few simple words could kill it. Three doctors walked into our room, all dressed in long, white lab coats. "We will take you in groups at a time, searching for hybrids. The best thing to do is stay completely calm. The school will be on general lock down until the situation is handled. We'll call you off by last name, and, do not be alarmed if you hear your previous brother or sisters name, as we'll be calling those, too."

We got to wait awhile, only till the L's, but it seemed as though it wasn't enough. "Kaylynne and Teresa Amber." A girl from the back of the room stood up nervously and walked to where the doctors were, one taking her to a different room. <How do we get out?>

<We can't. The schools on lock down.>

<I know that you twit, just, how do we get out of the situation?>

<What do you mean?>

<Oh my god, Matilda, just ask for the toilet.>

<Right. Duh. Sorry.> I raised our hand and Lee let out an annoyed sigh, "Yes, Miss. Lester-Howell?"

"Sir, may I use the bathroom?"

"It'll have to wait."

<Looks like your clever plan didn't work.>

<Shut up, it was simple and believable. Besides, it's too late, now. You'll just have to play normal girl for awhile.>

<So basically everyday life.>


"Matilda and Kendall Lester-Howell." Somewhat confidently, but not too cocky, I stood and stepped up to a tall, bald man who was covered in tattoos. "My ladies." he said, taking our hand. "Lady." I corrected him. "Of, course, my apologies, ma'am." He led us to an empty science room and sat us down. "Matilda, Kendall, I am doctor Moriarty." he said with a smile. I snorted, making him look a bit alarmed. "Is something funny, miss?" he asked. "No sir. Well, yes, a bit. It's just, there is this show that I watch, and one of the characters is named Moriarty. My apologies, please, continue, Mr. Moriarty."

"As I was saying, have you heard the term hybrid?"

"My whole life, sir."

"And what does it mean to you?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"It's just a simple question." I sighed, trying not to give myself away whilst still being honest, "Danger and mystery."

"Mystery? How interesting? Why mystery."

"I guess... I guess you just have to think about what their lives would be like. I mean, sure when they were little it was simple, but if one cant go away, then, what would their minds be like? What would it sound like? How would one react to the others first kiss? How would one feel when they couldn't make decisions for themselves?"

"That's interesting, because you're right. And that's where the danger comes in. Perfectly right, that's where hyrbrids are dangerous. You and your sister settled late, am I right?" I gulped, "Yessir."

"Do you remember the last night she was with you?"

"Yessir. Well, not exactly, but I can't forget the weather. It was chilly outside, and she felt warm by my side. But then the warmth disappeared into nothing but an empty hole. I felt that coldness all my life, sir."

"That sounds horribly lonely. But. I see from your records you've found happiness in the internet, is that correct?" I smile, trying to prove myself, "Yessir, very much so. It's a joy to make others happy." He closed his books, "Well then, Matilda, it was very nice to meet you. I'm happy to say that you are hybrid free. Congratulations."

<Congratulations? He did not just.>

<He did.>

I shook his hand. "Thank you sir, I'd best be on my way out."

"Have a great day, miss. Lester-Howell."

"And you sir." When we walked back into the classroom, it was completely abandoned.

A/N a lot of people are probably confused oh well suckers deal with it. tbh idk where i was going with the whole abandoned classroom thing but i just got an idea so we'll see how that works. Enjoy guacamoles!

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