Chapter 4- Christmas Cookies

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This chapter is dedicated to @noragrace2002 because I asked what to name it and for no particular reason she said Christmas Cookies so now its called Christmas Cookies alright let us begin...............................

They slid open there unscratched van door and I scrambled in, sitting down of a pile of blankets with my back against the wall, slowly catching our breath. <Matilda?> Nothing. <Tilly?> Silence. <MATILDA!> my eyes widen and my breath hitches. <Tilly, are you there?>

<I'm here, I got cut off.> I sigh

<Don't ever do that again.>

<I couldn't help it. I just faded away.> A tall boy with curly brown hair walked up to us with a smile on his face. "Hi, I'm Ryan." he held out a water and knelt down to our face. "Are you thirsty?" I nodded my head and eagerly twisted the cap off of the bottle, chugging it. "Easy there, don't take to much." He laughed lightly and took it away, tossing it to Dan who shared with Phil. Ryan walked away and sat next to Eva, patting her shoulder and telling her she did a good job. I did a good job. Whatever.

But aloud I said, "Thanks guys." A tall girl with tanned skin and long curly brunette hair turned to us, placing a black gun back in its holster around her waist. "No problem. I'm Nora, by the way."

"I'm Kendall. And Matilda."

"I know."

"Not creepy." a small smirk appeared on her face, "Not in the slightest." Eva turned down a back road, muttering something to herself. Nora brushed a piece of hair out of her face before throwing it up. not throwing up her hair (ew) i mean like, putting it in a pony tail, i just say throwing it up. "Where are the others?" she asked. "No idea. They said they're in this underground pit- they're calling it our home base apparently. Said the next meetings gonna be there. Hally's getting us coordinates right now." Nora nodded her head and sat down next to us.

"Are you hybrid?" I asked her. "She laughed and shook her head. "Nope. I am, however a double agent." I raised my eyebrows, "Seriously?" She nods. "Yup. All the info I give them about you guys is all fake, though. Only the slightest truth to make them believe." I leaned in, looking into her eyes. <what if she's lying.>

<Jesus, Ken, can't you just trust someone for once in your life.> "How do we know your doing that to us?" Nora's face broke out in a smile and patted me on the back. "One smart kid ya got, Daniel." Dan smiled at us, "Yeah. They're perfect." I felt a sharp pain in our chest. 'They're perfect.' that was all he'd ever say about us. Perfect, perfect, perfect. But all we'd ever hear was, 'imperfect', 'dangerous', 'deadly', 'evil', nothing good ever came with hybrid. And now here we are, driving away from people who tried to kill us with people that dad never mentioned and we don't even know we can trust them? I mean, call me crazy, but we have no control over this situation. Trust is good, control is better. "You alright, kiddo?" Phil asked, a worried look flashed in his eyes. I nod our head slowly. "Yeah, fine. Why?"

"You look like you're going to pass out."

"Do I?" he furrows his eyebrows, "Ken, your not acting like yourself." Not acting like myself? Myself? Does he even know who I am. No, he knows Tilda. No one knows who I am. No one remembers me. I snort, "What do you mean?" I ask, my voice wavering. If I didn't keep myself calm. I'd blow up. I could feel the anger bubbling inside of me. "It's just, you aren't usually like this." The weight was bearing down on me. All the years I've spent hiding. I was always there. They always forgot.  "I just want to make sure you're okay. This isn't like you," he continued. 

 I snapped, standing up and walking to him on my tiptoes so we were inches apart. <Kendall, calm down.> <Shut up, Tilda!> "You have no idea what I'm like! We haven't spoke since I was 10 or 11, and now you act like you know me? You know nothing about me! All these years you've known I was here and not once, not once have you mentioned my name! Even in private, everything is Matilda, Matilda, Matilda, it's like you had completely forgotten about me. Maybe I'm not acting like Tilly, but this is me. And you sure as hell had better get used to it. I'm not going anywhere!" I had one fist tightly in his shirt, our teeth gritted as I spat in his face. A single tear fell down his face, soon followed by more. <That's enough, Ken, you've had your moment.> <I told you to shut up.> <Kenny, I-> <Stop. Just, stop.> Phil didn't say anything, just wrapped his arms around me and we both fell to the floor crying into each other. "I- I'm so sorry." he sobbed. "I love you so much, Kendall. So much." I feel Matilda's warmth next to me and another pair of arms wrap around us. Dan. "We both love you." Within moments, the four of us fall asleep in each others arms, not saying a word, and the others silently leaving us in our peace.

Quick (a/n) I feel like I needed to show a large difference between Kendall and Matilda. I feel like Ken should be slightly more edgy, a bit sassy, careful, but she can snap fast, as shown in this very very short chapter apologies. And Tilda should be shyer and kinder, she would jump to conclusions but knows how to keep her cool, even if she is quite scared, in which she lets Kendall take over. Thoughts? I really hope people enjoy my crappy writing, but I'm doing the best I can. Please feel free to tell me off on any grammar mistakes as there are many and I know that we all cannot help but be grammar nazis, it's normal, i get it bro. See ya cupcakes :) (maybe I'll draft the next chapter right now.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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