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I was the weird quiet girl at the school, who eats at the library and who has no friends or I do I have Sally.

Sally was my best friend, but she's moved to New York. She didn't answer my text after she moved, I was just seeing her perfect life from Instagram I guess she is too busy shopping whit her new friends.

I sighed when I walk into the school gates. My school was made of red bricks it was big one-story house. I walked into the school hall, what was full of people. I walked to my first class. I was first in the class others were catching up With all the drama that happened at the summer break. Bell rings and all the students walked in still talking about their summer breaks. Soon after our teacher walked in whit a new boy he has beautiful brown curly hair and brown eyes then my eyes landed on the big scar on his face he looks familiar I think, but I just didn't get why I haven't had real friends after Sally because I always was scared they would do the same thing to me and just leave me. Only thing I heard about the introduction was his name Nicolas. I pulled my new book out of my backpack and saw that Nicolas was walking towards me. I was sitting by myself but I didn't think he would want to sit whit me.

What are you reading red head. He asked smirking. All of a sudden I remember everything the night at the park it was him.

What's wrong whit you it was you huh? I asked angrily.

Looking hotter now don't you think. He asked still smirking.

Like really what's your problem whit me! STOP MESSING WHIT ME! I said anointed.

Chill nerd. I heard someone say I turn and see Jason one of the popular guys but really he is just bully who dates the cheer captain Olivia.

Come sit whit me she's just a weirdo who has zero friends. Jason said.

Nicolas get up and I was stunned is he going to sit whit Jason? But Nicolas just walk past everyone and sits back of the class he pulled headphones on to his head and probably started listening some kind of music.

After school I was leaving to go home. As I was walking Nicolas run to me at the parking lot.

Uhh hey I wanted to give you this. He said nervously as he handed a letter to me.

Ok? I said confused.

See you then. He said and left.

As I walked out Of the school yard I opened the letter.


Look I'm really sorry about the night at the park it was just a stupid dare i hope i have never done and although it was four years ago I want to make it up to you

Come to my house today at 6pm i promise you will not regret it.

Lovellastreat 7

➶ Nicolas

When I reached home it was I saw my little brother playing outside of our house. We lived in a tiny blue house with tiny white terrace as soon my brother saw me he run to me and I pick him up and spin him around many times we lived with our mom. dad had left when tommy my brother was born his now 6 years old we have been good without him just us and mom.

We vent inside and as soon we walk in to our colourful tiny home we could smell that mom have just finished cooking. Mom was happy to see me and even happier when I told I was going to see new friend to day. mom knows I have been very lonely after sally so she thought it was wonderful idea that I was finely making friends I of corset didn't tell that I was going to go see incurrent hot boy that I hated.

5.57pm I walk to his home. He lived in a one-story house that was made of grey brick at the yard of the house was old dark green Jeep. I walked to the door and knock few seconds past and the door opened he was standing there wearing black shorts and a hoodie.

Hey. Thought you wold not come. He said same time leaning on to the door frame.

Well I'm here. I said then there was awkward silence.

Come in. He said finally.

Who was there. Said someone from the kitchen.

No one I mean someone. Nicolas answer quickly.

No one or someone. The voice asked Then tall blond boy came out of the kitchen.

Do I know you. He asked me. I was going to answer but Nicolas did it before me.

She's the book girl.

That book girl from the park ages ago?

Yes that book girl stay out of this please. Nicolas tried but blonde boy was walking closer to us.

Not bad. He said as he was clearly checking me out I immediately started feeling uncomfortable and I could tell Nicolas saw that.

ALEX. He shouted.

Let's go he said and grab my hand before we left he grabbed car keys and some weird packed that was laying in counter next to the door we run to the Jeep and he started driving.

I'm so so so sorry. He mumbled

Who was he? I asked

The boy who made me to throw your book to the tree and also my stupid big brother who I'm living with.

Ouh okay. I said

Are you hungry. Nicolas asked

Little bit.

Is MacDonald ok?

Yeah it is. I answer. We did drive to MacDonalds and order I did get chicken burger and Nicolas did get double burger.

So Nicolas why are you being nice to me? I asked as we ate at the MacDonald parking lot.

I don't know I just I'm and just call me cole ok.

Ok. I answer.

Ouh here this is for you. he gave me that weird package I saw earlier.

Open it. He said.

I started un wrap the gift. It was the book he did throw to the tree ages ago. I started smiling and hugged him.

So you like it. He asked.

No I love it silly.

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