Schools hasn't even started yet but interesting meetings already happened.

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Ayanokoji PoV

I was in the bus heading toward my new school named Koudo Ikusei Senior High School, there i'm hoping to live three years where I intend to leave a quiet and normal life, I was feeling a little tired due to all the preparations I had to do the few past days so I was trying to sleep during the travel.

"Ummm excuse me but would you mind giving your seat?"

Sigh--  seems like fate had other plans, while I was hoping to catch some sleeps turns out there is a commotion in the bus from what I could gather an elderly woman couldn't find a seat and someone is trying to convince a young man to give his priority seat which seems to go extremely bad as the boy refused to move.

"Yare Yare daze, while I do see his point I wish he would simply give it so that we don't have to deal with this shit." I heard a voice on my left and I immediatly looked around to see one of the most imposing person I ever saw.
He was wearing the same uniform than me but in a much much larger size and even then it looked like the clothes would shred under the pressure of his muscles, he wore a strange cap that seems to disappear or fuse with his hair, if he wasn't wearinf this uniform I would never believe he would be around my age.

He was wearing the same uniform than me but in a much much larger size and even then it looked like the clothes would shred under the pressure of his muscles, he wore a strange cap that seems to disappear or fuse with his hair, if he wasn't wearin...

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"I agree I was sleeping until now so I didn't know what was happening"

"I noticed, that's why I didn't move until now didn't want to disturb your sleep, I used to travel a lot I know how tiring it can get." Oh... that's nice I wasn't expecting that from a man with such a look guess you really can't judge by appearance.

"Please could anyone gives his seat to this lady?!" I was going to thank him but hearing this new voice made us look back at the scene just to see that a new actor appeared, a beautiful girl with short beige hair with crimson eyes looking around.

"Ehhh that's quite a facade she got there." someone on my right said which prompted the two of us to turn toward him

"Facade you say, what do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Exactly what I said, she's trying hard to look nice ihiihi, i'm used to seeing this so i could tell, oh by the way the names Battler nice to meet you!"

"Exactly what I said, she's trying hard to look nice ihiihi, i'm used to seeing this so i could tell, oh by the way the names Battler nice to meet you!"

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