DIO as a teacher and unto class C

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Ayanakoji POV

"And this is the reason why i'm here Jotaro." Our teacher DIO said to his nephew.

He didn't say anything... he just stayed silent for thirty minutes!

"I understand now, your wife forced you to come with you since she got the job here." How did you know all of this from pure silence!

... what do you mean you understand?! He didn't even speak!

At this interaction all of my classmates looked at each other with a look of pure confusion.

"Uhhh I'm sorry sensei but you never said anyth---" A girl with beige hair and crimson eyes started talking but immediatly stopped when our teacher looked right at her.

"What you didn't catch anything I was explaining to your classmate?" once again... no I guess if jotaro understood the story then they did have a way to speak to each other unknown to us.

What  no one knew was that jotaro and DIO were using their stand abilities repeatedly to exchange messages while everyone were frozen in time.

Why were they staying silent for half an hour you ask? Because they could do it none of them care about the school so it was an easy thirty minute spent.

"Sighhh first day of school and i'm already surrounded by trash!" the words coming from our teacher shocked our classmates

"Trash? you jest you can't possibly talk about me since I'm a perfect existence." Someone talked back looking at him I recognized him as the man who provoked the argument in the bus.

Though he started to shudder, looking around I saw Jotaro staring him down, he got up went toward him still staring him down.

"Perfect existence?  you barely can hold against my stare, though I'll say one thing to you, do anything else like you did in the bus and I'll beat you down, I hate being pissed off."
He said to the blond man who incredibly enough stared back but you could see some sweat dripping down his face. 

"Uhmm sensei shouldn't you stop him?" Another blond man asked, he too was blond but was really attractive with a lean body I wouldn't be surprised if he was in charge of the class.

"Yeah but I don't give a shit but Jotaro just go back to your seat I need to do my job for once." DIO said while he looked up from a newspaper... When did he get it?

Jotaro got back to his seat and now our teacher started to explain the rules to us.

"So this school has some rules you need to be respected, first of all you the school has it's own money, each month you'll get points, one points is one yen basically, right now you shouild all receive 100 000 points do whatever with it I don't care, obviously you're in an elite school which makes me wonder why any of you passed especially you Jotaro-

"Oi Old man don't make me come beat the shit out of you!"

"You just proved my point there, anyway you're in an elite school so we expect you to act accordingly do student things I guess anyway I'm bored do whatever you want oh and everything you'll do from now on will be USELESS YOU HEAR ME USELESS!" he then finally went outside the classroom.

I looked at Jotaro who was seated next to me and I told him

"Your uncle... is interesting."

"Yeahhh hopefully our real teacher is the wife she's a great person." he said while covering his eyes with his cap.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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