The story of how I DIO ended in this situation.

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(Before starting the chapter i'm going to say that I changed the jojo cannons and that Jotaro, Josuke and Giornio are around the same age so that the three of them can enter the elite school together.)


How did i ended up here?

I'm sure this is the question everyone is asking themselves, after all why of all the thing that I DIO could do i ended being a teacher at the school where my son GIORNO and Jotaro are studying.

The answer to this question would be because of my wife who grew attached to all the joestar kids and wanted the both of us to be a part of their lives so she managed to convince the director of this school to give us both a teacher job here.

A wife you say? Well yes but to explain the situation we would need to have a flashback so here we are.

15 years ago 

In the middle of the sea an enormous ship was floating without a particular destination, on this ship were flags belonging to a huge naval force on this flag was a anchor who was half blue and half white with planes flying around it.

On this ship was hundreds of people doing various activities, from playing boardgame to getting drunk at the bar, what stood out about this was that almost everyone here was a woman.

??? PoV

I was on the deck of our ship thinking about our commander, while I have nothing against him I can't help but feel disapointed, I see all his looks filled with lust toward us, while I do understand that being the only male on a ship full of women could have this effect on someone I feel like he gives more importance to his feelings than to actually act as a commander.

I sighed then I saw the silhouette of someone running toward me while waving her arms to get my attention.

"ILLUSTRIOUS ONEE CHAN!" the silhouette i saw ended being the one of our little Unicorn chan she likes to call me Onee chan as I always spend time to play with her.

"ILLUSTRIOUS ONEE CHAN!" the silhouette i saw ended being the one of our little Unicorn chan she likes to call me Onee chan as I always spend time to play with her

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"Hmmm Unicorn chan how are you doing today?"  I decided to put my concerns on the back of my mind and gave all my attention to her.

"I'm doing fine but Onee chan the commander asked you to come to storage room we picked up a strange box that was floating there and he asked that you and your sisters take care of it because the others said they felt an ominous feeling coming out of this."

oh really since the four of us were called the others had to be really scared of what was inside of it understanding the urgency of the situation i patted Unicorn on the head and headed toward the storage room.

"Ah Illustrious-chan" When i stepped into the room I heard Formidable calling me I looked around and saw I was the last one to arrive.

"Ah Illustrious-chan" When i stepped into the room I heard Formidable calling me I looked around and saw I was the last one to arrive

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