⍟Seven Minutes in hell⍟

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This takes place in Season 1 episode 2 at the mfs party, who I forgot the name of, where they push Devon and Jake into the closet as a homophobic joke of 'seven minutes in hell'.

This also won't be the best and is a get-to-the-point right away because this is the 50th fucking time I have to write this one because my phone is a piece of shit.

I also have anger issues so uh. Yea👍🏻.


The two boys were pushed into the closet where Lexi supposedly was.

"Have fun in seven minutes of hell boys" the boy said shutting the door as people chanted 'hell' over and over again outside.

The two stood there shocked.

"They lied and told me she was in here" Jake cried "now I'm just stuck here with you."

Jake looked at his crush and then realized what he said.

"Not that it's a bad thing we're here, I would love to be here with you."

Devon smiled and walked closer to the boy.

"You, Jake Wheeler, willingly want to be stuck in a closet with me?" Devon teased inching closer to the boy by the second.

"It's n-not like that b-but yea" Jake answered swallowing hard.

Devon laughed and pointed his phone down so it wouldn't blind his crush.

"You're cute when your mad" Devon admitted to the taller boy looking up at him and ruffling his hair.

"Thanks" was all Jake could say to try and stop his breath from hitching.

Devon mouthed a small 'your welcome' before moving his hand down to the other boy's jaw.

Jake glanced from the shorter boy's eyes to his lips. He slowly brought his hands up cupping Devon's face.

"Can I?" Jake asked politely giving a slight smile.

Devon nodded returning the smile as the taller boy leaned down placing a kiss on the boy's lips before backing away quickly in fear he did something wrong.

"I'm s-" Jake tried apologizing before being interrupted by Devon connecting their lips once again.

It lasted a little longer than before but was forced to come to a halt when both boys needed to breathe.

Both stood there in comfortable silence before the door knob was heard.

They both quickly pulled away, as if nothing just happened, as the door swung open revealing the large group.

"Times up queers" one of many laughed looking at the boys.

The two just smiled and walked away from the group on their way to find Lexy and Junior.

Only about 5 minutes later they found the two in a room on the bed making out.

"Sorry if we're interrupting anything" Devon apologized once they noticed the boys standing in the doorway.

"I'm not" Jake chimed in glancing at Devon.

Devon just gave him a small smirk before looking at the two.

"You two are acting a little too close" Lexy commented on their behavior.

Junior has a slight nod agreeing with his girlfriend.

"How," Jake said slightly freaking out.

Did she know?

Lexy simply shrugged climbing off the bed along with Junior.

It was quite awkward until Junior decided to speak up.

"So, yall dating or not?" a familiar voice was heard.

All four teenagers looked to see the iconic redhead child.

"Y'all seriously are fucking oblivious," he said "there is something between them. Go ahead Jake, ask him. You wanted to be on that page. And you might wanna put me somewhere else than the closet when you feel the need to do that."

Jake looked away flustered as Chucky laughed getting one from the teens too.

"Fine, but I'll ask him but you've gotta stop listening in on that" Jake said turning to Devon.

"No promises" Chucky laughed.

Jake rolled his eyes before talking.

"Devon Evans, I have an important question," Jake said grabbing his 'friends' hand.

"What is your question Mr. Wheeler" Devon asked turning all his attention to Jake.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Jake asked a tint of red spreading across his cheeks.

"I would love to" Devon answered leaning in before kissing his new boyfriend.

They pulled away not long after remembering the other two in the room.

"Aww, y'all got together on Halloween," Lexy said placing her hand on her heart.

The two gave a slight smile before giving connecting their lips once again.



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me asf

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