𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬

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Just a few Chucky headcanons from the series. They mostly include Jevon but I'll add a few others
I may turn some of these into a book;)
Possible spoilers for season 2

-Both Jake and Devon love scary movies so every weekend, like Jake promised, he sneaks away from home and goes to Devon's house

-Jake was the first to say 'I love you' and was shocked when he did

-Taller Devon owns my heart istg

-Jake steals Devon's hoodies and Devon steals Jake's pens

(pt.2 to the one above)-They love sending notes to each other even if they talk over the phone every day and night

-Once Chucky got over his 'killing spree' type shit he's like Jake's best friend

-Lexy is bi

-Both Devon and Jake are gay

-Neither of Jake or Devon's parents are ever home so once Jake almost burnt down the house by cooking cookies under no one's supervision other than Devon on the phone

-Chucky is just dragged around by Jake's
ex: No matter where Jake goes, Chucky is there. Kinda like in season 1 in the first few episodes.

-Jake loves painting Devon's nails

-When they went to the Burlington catholic type shit school (nothing against Christians or anyone like that)
Lexys roommate caught Devon and Jake making out and crossed her heart not to tell

-Jake has notes on his phone about how much he loves Devon but refuses to tell anyone about them

-Jake loves art and so once he made Devon a little box with pictures of them for their 8 months

-They both love Jolly Ranchers, especially the blue and red ones

-Jake loves kids, especially babies

-Devon still does his podcast and even introduced Jake as his boyfriend

-Lexy is still mortified of Chucky but makes an exception for Jake because she knows how important it is to him

-Coraline and Lexy get along way better now

-Devon and Coraline are best friends and sometimes play with Corallines dolls together when he visits Lexy

-Jake tried out for the cheer team as a joke with Lexy and made it. He quit tho because it wasn't his thing.

-Jake and Devon visit their mom's graves every year on their(mom's) birthdays

-They hold hands under the tables at family events and all that bs.

-Jake and Devon got adopted by two people who were best friends so the two boys could then see each other much more often(def making this one a fanfic)

-Jake is always cold, Devon is always got

-Jake's favorite scary movie is IT hands down

-Lexy got into a physical fight with the foster worker because they weren't going to let Coraline get adopted by the same person as Lexy

-Devon, Lexy, and Coraline all got adopted by the person

(Def turning those two into a fanfic I love it)

-Jake sends Devon at least 50 TikTok's a day, Devon never watches them until Jake is around so he knows he's not just ignoring them

-Jake got Devon into retro and Devon got Jake into true crime

-Lexy caught Jake and Devon making out in a janitor's closet at school onetime

-Devon loves playing with Jake's hair

-Coraline and still confused about what being gay means so they have to explain it to her

-Jake, Devon, and Lexy all made Glen and Glenda, let's just say it wasn't the most pleasant meeting

-Nica was saved

-Andy isn't dead and is just roaming around at the moment

(using those last 3 in a fanfic most likely)

-Jake loves hot chocolate and coffee

-Halloween and Christmas are Jake and Devon's favorite holiday

-Coraline still loves Chucky as she did when he was threatening to kill people in season 1

-Jake beat some kid up for making fun of Devon

These are the only ones I can think of for now<3 I'll probably update this later!


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