⍟Jolly Ranchers⍟

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Devon and Jake are sharing jolly ranchers <3
possible spoilers for s2 e1

This is my idea of what would've happened if they didn't go to Lexys house.

Both Devon and Jake loved jolly ranchers, especially sharing them.

This specific night, a Halloween night that Jake decided to uber 2 hours away from home to see his boyfriend, they were sitting in Devon's room sharing them.

"Hey, don't take all the blue ones" Jake giggled as Devon took the third blue jolly rancher that night.

"But they're good," Devon whined, "would you like it, my princess?"

Jake nodded and slightly blushed at the nickname.

"I really missed you y'know," Devon said after a while of silence.

"I did too" Jake answered smiling at his boyfriend.

Devon returned the smile as they sat in the comfortable noise of the wind outside.

Slowly but very much surely they leaned in glancing from each other's lips to eyes.

"Shit" Jake mumbled at the last second pulling away.

"What's wrong?" Devon asked, clearly concerned about his boyfriend.

"I-I'm sorry I just don't wanna mess anything up, it's been 6 months" he admitted looking down and messing with his hands in his lap.

"Hey," Devon said making Jake look up at him.

Devon has always been one to go straight for it so he swiftly cupped the other boy's face kissing him softly. Jake smiled and kissed him back placing his hands on Devon's thighs to keep his from falling over.

After they pulled away they just smiled at each other.

"You beautiful" Jake admitted to his boyfriend.

Devon smiled and gave his boyfriend a small peck on the lips before backing away.

"I have something for you," Devon said leaning over and opening his drawer.

Jake watched as he pulled out a tiny box handing it to the boy. Jake politely took it and went to open it.

"I'll be right back" Devon spoke nervously hopping off his bed and walked to his door.

Jake, who has no patience, opened the box to see a note and another box. He pulled out the note and started to read it.

Dear Jake,
I have no clue when you're going to be getting this but I wanted to tell you;

I love you more than anything in the world. If I lost you I'd lose myself. I don't usually write stuff like this but I only am because of the situation with Chucky at the movie. Of course, we weren't official until about 3 days later but your the only person that stuck up for me like that. Especially calling me your boyfriend. I was mortified by how you thought of me. If you thought I was weird, if I was ugly, etc. But you didn't care and I love to say that you're my boyfriend.

I love you and that is why I got you this.

Jake smiled and the note and softly placed it down next to him as he opened the smaller box.

There was a black ring with a small dark red crystal, both Jake's favorite color, and a blue jolly rancher.

Jake stared in awe before the door creaked open revealing a nervous Devon in the doorway.

Jake quickly hopped off the bed and ran up to his boyfriend hugging him tightly. Devon hugged him back placing his arms around the taller boy's waist.

Jake pulled away and stared Devon in the eyes before connecting their lips. It took Devon a second but he eventually kissed him back.

Once they pulled away they just stared at each other once again in comfortable silence.

"I love you Devon" Jake whispered to his boyfriend.

"I love you too" Devon responded sweetly.

They made their way back to Devon's bed and sat down. Jake spent no time grabbing the ring and placing it on his finger promising to never take it off. He tried giving the Jolly Rancher to Devon since he knew how much he loved blue ones but Devon refused to let him.

I love this one shot but are we not gonna talk about s2e1???????????
"I miss you too babe" BABE?


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