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Devon is sending streaks while Jake is gaming<3
Also no one had died.
Junior, Oliver, etc..

One thing about Jake is that when he is doing something he puts his all into it. Especially when he is gaming.

Jake and Devon were currently laying on Jakes bed.

Devon was between Jakes legs with his head right below his boyfriends with the taller boys resting on top of it.

Devon was simply snapping people back as Jake played on his game. Devon didn't necessarily pay attention to what Jake was playing but he did catch on you most definitely had to kill people and it caused a lot of raging and cursing.

Jake would even sometimes get a little too mad and accidentally hit his boyfriend with the controller which immediately came with a bunch of 'i'm sorry's right after.

Devon would mostly just send pictures of the top of his head and Jake which had people asking questions. Jake and Devon had never told anyone if they were official or not just to save some drama.

He had received a snap from Oliver which was the side of his face, per usual of Oliver, with the caption 'are you two together or not?' Devon glanced up at Jake before responding with a quick picture of Jake with laying with Devon between his legs and his controller in his hands with the caption 'yea, we are'.

He opened a few more snaps.

Lexy, who send a picture of her face every time. Sometimes with a cute or some stupid filter.

Junior, usually flipping Jake and/or Devon off or if he was with the two boys at the time it was a picture with a caption 'eww💔' or 'I waant wat yal hav' because Junior refuses to spell anything right.

And other kids from school or just randomly added that would send either face pics or wall/ceiling snaps.

It took Oliver a little while to respond but when he did it was a picture of his face with the words 'y'all pretty cute' written below.

Devon snapped a quick picture of Jake once again and responded with 'thanks:)'.

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