when we were younger, we thought everyone was on our side

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The night sky has long been Louis' comfort for as long as he can recall. He had found him entranced by the dark canvas before he could even toddle around on his short legs, being absolutely enraptured with the expansiveness of the twinkly, endless tapestry that stretched until the ends of the Earth.

He also remembers begging his governess every single night to go outside, employing all emotional weapons in his arsenal to persuade the kindhearted, if not entirely too lenient, woman. He would clasp his tiny hands together, and flash his wide-eyed, teary gaze at her as his lower lip began to jut out and shake pitifully. As he had come to predict, his sweet deceit paid off every single time. His governess would willingly oblige and lead him outside to his bedroom balcony to stare at the shiny stars and moon that dotted the dark canvas, before tucking him safely into his bed.

That was also when he learned that any living being around the palace would rush to do anything that he asked of them, whether they held a Royal status or not. But that's neither here nor there.

The sky served as a constant reminder to the young Prince that he need not be afraid of anything, especially the lifelong commitment of service to country that lay ahead of him. Even as a young Prince who sat on his father's lap during his advisor meetings, he was aware that one day the occupation would fall entirely on his shoulders. It was an entirely too colossal a thought for such a little boy. The darkness of the night grounded him and served as a whisper of truth that no one could escape the daily routine of the night. He was and continues to be, no exception.

And now, like every other night, Louis finds himself out on the main, extravagant patio staring up at the infinite display of nature before turning around and surveying the scene before him. The only difference is that normally when his gaze flitted past the sweeping, crystal doors, he was afforded the tranquility of the dark, barren ballroom. Unfortunately, tonight the entirety of the French Court, as well as almost everyone of note to international society, has gathered under the radiant light of the diamond chandeliers.

He can spot flashes of pastel chiffon, gauzy silks, and lace as ladies weave between their dashing dance partners. An extravagant tray of sweets is stacked behind the guests, almost begging to be devoured. As much as he would like to inhale the sugary morsels all in one go, to do so would mean having to partake in the tedious tango of tiptoeing around everyone who wishes to fawn over him, and he is in no mood for affection. No matter how much it bolsters his ever-growing ego.

The Chateau de Versailles has always offered the utmost picture of flawlessness and tonight is certainly no exception. The interior had been primped and plucked to perfection courtesy of the throngs of servants that had been skittering around the palace all day taking strict direction from the Queen herself. Louis' home offered nothing short of the most opulent luxuries and aesthetics, but the Omega Prince would gladly live in the most barren of cottages if it meant he might be granted more than just five minutes of peace and quiet.

"If you glare any harder at that tray of honey cakes, they might find themselves utterly obliterated, Your Royal Highness," an amused voice lilts out from behind Louis.

The omega abruptly turns around, hoping to God that it is not a greedy suitor, and heaves a sigh of relief when he sees it is only his favorite confidante, who bows briefly before making his way across the balcony. The alpha looks dashing in his ballroom attire, all crushed black velvet, and silky cream accessories.

"Thank heavens you are in attendance, Zayn, I thought I was going to fall asleep out of sheer boredom," he calls out, a bit too forcefully if the warning glance by the Queen is any indication. Luckily the passionate playing of the orchestra seems to drown out any informalities he may let slip.

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