it takes a man to live, it takes a woman to make him compromise

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As everyone gets seated for the last supper, Louis is aware that he must make a decision after the meal. It's not as if the results of today will aid in his decision, seeing as he came out as the victor.

It had been entirely worth it to challenge Niall to another round of chess, this time he had taken every single precaution and was successful in securing the victory. Seeing Harry's simultaneously proud and outraged face as Louis was crowned the winner of that days challenges is something he's sure he will never forget. He even chalks up the fact that his acceptance of Harry winning second place was due to his winners high.

He still can't help but feel torn. The Marquis du Motier seemed perfectly agreeable even though it was glaringly obvious that he was about as meek as a baby doe. Louis had attempted to get to know him better when the Marquis had invited him on a post breakfast stroll. He had found there were some redeeming qualities of the alpha, such as he possessed a total of three younger brothers and sisters who he adored, a love for dachshund dogs, and a kind heart. He would most definitely be the safest choice.

But he knew that he had promised Prince Harry a fair chance, and the alpha had truly blown him away since the games had started. With his kindness, his wittiness, and his ability to keep up with Louis. Although the omega had always known the latter about Harry, he supposes.

Still, a part of him was entirely unsure whether or not Harry was simply playing with Louis' heart because they were sworn arch nemesis. Or perhaps because if they were to be Mated, he would have a say in the proceedings of both England and France. The possibility of it all seemed to grow slimmer by the very hour, but Louis refused to be made of a fool of, especially with their volatile history. His heart protested greatly at the hesitation, but his brain still possessed the key to his trust, holding on tightly with every bit of logic and forethought as it could muster up.

But it's hard to ignore all the gestures that the alpha has executed over the past two days. The picnic, their shared meetings in hidden corridors, and the alpha's uncanny ability to know when to stick up for Louis and when to let him fend for himself.

He's distracted by a sudden glowy movement and he finds himself watching in amusement from across the long table as Phoebe and Daisy play with a candle on their side of the table, blowing it out and then watching it come back to life. When they notice him watching, they shoot him toothy grins and contort their faces into funny expressions. Louis laughs, and sticks his tongue out at them, making them giggle.

"It is lovely that you are so close with your family," Harry comments beside him.

Shocked at the non confrontational observation, Louis nods slowly. "Yes, well I suppose if I was saddled with six other siblings, I might as well try to enjoy their company, to be sure."

The rest of the alphas let out a tawdry laugh at Louis as if he has just made the funniest joke. The uproarious commotions were beginning to give him a headache. He never thought he would see the day when he tired of beings sucking up to him, but here was this rowdy group of alphas, proving him wrong. Rolling his eyes at their dramatics, Louis glances knowingly at Harry and Niall who also seem to be done with their artificial personalities.

"I have an older brother," Niall pipes up. "Greg is the Earl of Kent. We were not the best of friends growing up, but now that he has a son, we have definitely become closer. It's like I get to have a nephew and a little brother."

"I believe I have been acquainted with the Earl," Louis tries to remember back.

"I think he have been in attendance at the Winter Ball held here, two years ago," Niall says. "He simply would stop talking about the cheese danishes that were served. Almost made me jealous enough to charter a horse and carriage and come sample them for myself. Anyway, what about you Prince Harry? Are you quite close with your siblings?"

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