cause it's a long road to wisdom

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"Louis, I do implore you to utilize more of your discretion and act favorably around Prince Harry the next time you see him. And do be more discreet when you take leave from an event we hold at the Palace," his mother, beseeches him from across the extravagant table full of an array of breakfast items.

Taking a dainty sip of his orange juice, Louis stares at his mother straight on, locking them in a staring match. A part of him relishes the fact that he is most likely one of the only people in the world that can lock eyes with the Queen and not immediately faint to the ground due to her regal prowess.

"Mother, you hardly saw how impudent he was acting," Louis fights back, ignoring the part about his absences. He must think of the war, not just one battle. "Prince Harry is the one who possesses not a shred of decent manners and absolutely no taste in decorum."

"Prince Harry is the one who sent over that beautiful array of flowers this morning, as well as an invitation to join him at Balmoral Castle, in a few months time." his mother retorts drily, her mouth turning up ever so slightly at the antics of her melodramatic son. "They've just redone the grounds as well as the guest chambers and I am delighted at the prospect of getting to lay eyes on them. Queen Anne also promised a wonderful array of meals by their new chef. He hails from Switzerland, I believe."

"Well that's just perfect," Louis gripes. "You, and father, Charlotte, Félicité, and the twins can have a splendid time devouring fondue and falling for all of Prince Harry's wicked games at the setting of the gloomy English countryside. I will stay back here in solitary as my family deserts me for some twat of an Alpha prince."

"Louis William Tomlinson," his mother scolds him instantly. "I know you were raised better than to have such filthiness come from your lips. You will be in attendance. Queen Anne, King Robin, and your father and I collectively agreed that it is about time that the two of you learn to bury the hatchet and represent our countries with the respect and pride that I know you possess."

"Father!" Louis drags out the name and can feel his tone take on the whiny twinge that he despises, but desperate times call for desperate measures. His father is always his last tool at furthering his agenda, the man never being able to deny his son anything.

King Mark looks up from the newspaper he has spent the better part of the morning engrossed in. He takes off his spectacles, tucking them neatly onto his linen shirt before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Yes, my dearest prince?" he says, trading an amused glance with the Queen.

"When can I go out and make such decisions on my own? Make mother see reason. Prince Harry is a detestable being and that we should not deign to spend more than a mere second in his presence. I would think that you would concur that it is not proper to parlor with such disagreeable company. I imagine it makes us look quite silly and we mustn't make our family look silly." Louis says matter-of-factly, incredibly satisfied at his airtight reasoning.

"While, I have no doubts that for the most part, your judgment is very sound," his father begins and Louis wants to whine at the impending refusal that colors his tone. "Your mother is entirely correct about this specific matter. You and Prince Harry both have a past of behaving foolishly in public and as he has just come of age, and you become ready to take the throne, we cannot allow it anymore. It was one thing when the two of you were youths but now you both have a duty to uphold. You must think of your country." He takes the Queen's hand in his and they both smile warmly at Louis.

Louis knows a lost cause when he sees one. His parents look so hopeful. For a second, the omega wishes he had a more strenuous relationship with them as many of his royal friends do with their own parents. It would make going against their orders so much more doable. But, he cannot deny the love and respect that feels for the two people that have supported him endlessly, never belittled him for his gender, and encouraged him to take the throne because they knew he was capable of doing so.

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