i saw the dimples first

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 "Hey, baby," Harry calls from out the window of his obnoxious looking black Range-Rover. The alpha pairs his salacious words with two sharp honks of the car horn and a two fingered salute.

"Don't fucking call me that," Louis snaps.

He refuses to make eye contact, lugging his three suitcases pitifully behind him. The rest of his belongings have already been sent to his new flat earlier in the week, and Louis isn't ashamed to admit that he'd had another full-on cry on the floor of his now-empty home.

The flat in Doncaster was his first one and he had formed an emotional attachment to the slightly leaky faucet and the clunky window shutters. It was where he had spent endless hours studying for exams and applying for jobs. It was where he'd invite his best mates over to after a hard day working at the local coffee shop. And most importantly, it was in the same town as his family. Louis had also done the maths and his flat in Doncaster was actually closer to the training centre by twenty minutes than his new flat in Manchester.

The whole thing was bloody bullshit.

He knows it isn't directly Harry's fault that he's being forced to move farther away from the people he loves the most. After all, Harry's flat in Manchester was only used during the season too. He's sure the alpha isn't entirely too fond of Manchester either since he has another home in London. But the pettiness in him can't help but use the arrogant man as a scapegoat.

He raps obnoxiously on the back of Harry's car repeatedly, barely ducking out of the way as the trunk swings open.

"Tosser," he grumbles to himself as he attempts to lift the heavy luggage into the trunk. After a few futile attempts, he accidentally makes eye contact with Harry in the rearview mirror. The alpha looks knowingly at him. Finding that all of the fight has left him during his embarrassing little workout, he simply heaves a sigh and crooks a finger towards the back of the car.

It's all Harry needs before he's practically bounding out of the driver seat and around to the trunk. Rocking back and forth, he looks at Louis expectantly.

"What now?" Louis sighs loudly, putting his hands on his hips.

Harry doesn't respond, instead just chooses to stare pointedly at Louis's luggage and then back at the empty trunk. It takes a few minutes before Louis gets it and he has to fight the urge to sock Harry right in the face.

"Can you please help me with my luggage?" he asks flatly.

That infuriating smirk spreads across Harry's face as he pretends to hem and haw.

"I don't know, baby, you were quite rude just now," he says teasingly.

"You know what? Forget it. I'd rather pull a muscle than have to listen to this any longer." Louis throws up his hands and starts trying to wrangle his luggage again. He supposes not all the fight has left him.

Before he can get to accomplishing anything, there's a pair of large hands shoving him gently away.

"As much as I'd love to see you struggle all day, we've got places to be, princess," Harry flashes a wink at him before practically throwing Louis's luggage in the trunk as if it weighs almost nothing. Louis's mouth doesn't water at the bulge in his bicep as it snaps the trunk door shut. It doesn't.

Before Louis can even think of opening his mouth to begrudgingly thank the alpha , Harry has him pushed up against the side of the car as he smashes their lips together. Yelping at the onslaught, Louis lets himself be kissed for approximately thirty seconds before he's pushing the alpha away.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he hisses.

Harry smirks at him as he cups Louis's jaw and teasingly runs his thumb over the omega's lips. His eyes narrow as the omega subconsciously parts his mouth.

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