show me a grey sky

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If Louis thought their one night of a shared truce would change things, he was sorely mistaken.

The next few weeks, Harry proves to be just as irresponsible as always. He's late to his practices, doesn't pay attention in meetings, and goofs off during any PR appearances. He even got drunk right before a fan interview. Louis is lucky that the general public seems to find all of this endearing, otherwise he's sure he'd be in hot water with his agency.

No matter how loud Louis screams at Harry, no matter how much he bribes him, the alpha continues to act however he pleases. If anything, he seems to love getting this specific reaction out of Louis, because it almost always ends up with them fucking in whatever closet they can find.

When a new week has begun, Louis wakes up bright and early the next day, excited to hustle Harry off to practise. They have an interview right after practice and then Harry is to attend a late team dinner.

It's sure to be a jam-packed day and Louis is determined not to be a minute late to any of it. So what if Harry was almost an hour late to an interview yesterday? Louis is going to keep trying, no matter how many types he gets knocked down.

After he's showered, gotten ready, and downed two cups of iced black coffee, he makes his way to the elevator to ride up to Harry's penthouse. Marching down the hallway, he types in the door code and swings the door open, fully expecting to see Harry waiting by the entryway to go. How foolish of him.

What meets him is total silence. The flat is dark, save for a night light glistening from the kitchen.

Louis stomps his way through the flat to Harry's bedroom and finds the alpha passed out beneath the covers.

"What the fuck?" Louis screeches loudly right in Harry's ear.

The alpha immediately stirs, and covers his ears.

"Can you keep it down?" he slurs. "I'm trying to sleep."

Louis wrenches Harry's hand away from his ear before grabbing it himself and pulling Harry's head towards his.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" he hisses. "I told you yesterday before they dropped us off! I told you! I explicitly said that we have more than one engagement today and that being on time was of the utmost importance."

Groaning, Harry sinks back into the bed, batting Louis away when the omega tries to twist his nipple.

"We've got plenty of time," he tries to argue, before making a noise of protest when Louis rips the covers off of him to reveal his completely naked body.

Averting his eyes from Harry's soft cock, Louis pinches the bridge of his noise as he tries to calm down. He doesn't know why he thought that the alpha would change overnight. He's still the same arrogant, pompous arse who could give two shits about growing his career.

And Louis is going to be the one to pay for it.

"We have ninety minutes," Louis yells. "Ninety minutes until practice. And you have to get ready, eat breakfast, prepare your outfit for dinner and the interview. Not to mention the training centre is an almost two hour drive away. We're supposed to be leaving now!"

Rolling his eyes, Harry finally rolls out of bed and makes his way to his ensuite. "Relax," he says. "We'll only be a few minutes late."

Swallowing down a scream of frustration, Louis starts ransacking Harry's closet looking for an appropriate outfit for an interview and team dinner. By the time he's finished picking one out and packing Harry's footie bag like some kind of primary mum, Harry has made his way into the kitchen.

home is where the heart is (but god i love the english) {l.s.}Where stories live. Discover now