babe, don't threaten me with a good time

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"Stubby, wakey wakey," Harry crows in Louis's face as he drapes himself over the omega currently in his bed. "The sun is shining and the birds are singing."

Louis groans, trying to push the heavy alpha off him, but to no avail. Practices have been running later and later so they had returned late last night, and for once Louis was the one being the child. Harry had carried him all the way up to his penthouse, at Louis's blatant refusal to walk or tell Harry his own door code.

The omega had reluctantly come to admit that Harry's practice schedule was intense. He supposes if he were in Harry's place, he would have the urge to constantly lay in bed in the early mornings and skip practice too.

"I thought I told you not to call me that," he grumbles, but he parts his thighs and lets Harry sink between them.

"Why so grouchy today?" Harry questions as he snuggles himself into the crook of Louis's neck.

"Oh, I don't know," Louis says back. "Maybe because your stupid practice ran until midnight last night and you were my ride. And now your giant body is crushing mine."

"I'm sorry, baby. My baby stubby," Harry croons sympathetically, but Louis can feel the alpha smile against his collarbones. He doesn't deign a response.

They lay in silence together and just as Louis thinks he might be able to get away with going back to sleep, he feels the shift of Harry's hips against his.

"Seriously?" he groans.

"Shhh, stubby, just let it happen. Be a good little omega and let me use you to get off," Harry purrs out.

If it weren't the fact that Harry's practically deadweight on top of him, and Louis is simply too tired to exert any effort, he surely would've told Harry no. Surely. But, seeing as the odds are against him, Louis resigns to let Harry have his way.

The alpha is currently sucking on his neck, nipping at the sweet flesh, as he wraps his hand around Louis's throat.

Louis's own cock takes interest at the possessive hold, but he still lays there in submission, letting Harry do whatever it is he's doing. The alpha is restless as he pins Louis down, rubbing against him and building up friction. The two of them move hurriedly against the other, grinding and panting in the dark room.

Harry relinquishes his hold around Louis's throat and rucks up the omega's shirt to thumb at his nipples before leaning down and sucking on them mercilessly.

"That's it, baby," he mutters. "Such a good little omega , giving me so much pleasure." Harry says as they rut against each other like two schoolboys.

Louis almost feels dizzy at the intensity of it all. He loves being knotted as much as the next omega,, but something about this, the sheer contact of their bodies moving together in proximity, has always been so hot. He loves the press of Harry's skin against his, pinning him down to the mattress. Loves feeling the hardness of the alpha , knowing that he's the reason for it.

He's so caught up in it he doesn't even notice when Harry comes at first, the alpha burying his head even farther into Louis's neck and sucking deep bites that are sure to be bruised by the end of the day.

"Did so amazing, all for me, pup," Harry praises him as he swiftly switches their positions so that Louis is on top and slotted between Harry's strong thighs.

"Deserve a reward now, don't you?" Harry asks.

Louis lifts his head up sleepily to press an open-mouthed kiss to Harry's lips, and they snog lazily for the next few minutes until Louis's cock is finally fully aroused. He begins to rut against Harry's thigh again, this time with a clear goal in mind.

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