like a child when our eyes meet

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When he gets to his bedroom he sees Louis curled up in a copious amount of blankets. His eyes are closed but Harry can tell from his breathing that he's not fully asleep. He hates that he knows that.

"What are you doing in my room, Louis?" he asks flatly.

This time he doesn't have to wait agonisingly for Louis's answers. The omega snuffles before turning his head to look at him.

"This is where you wanted me instead, isn't it?" Louis asks quietly. There's no sarcastic or teasing notes in his tone.

"Wha- no?" Harry says firmly, fully expecting Louis to argue back with all his might.

But all Louis does is sink deeper into the mess of blankets he's made.

Harry is speechless. For once this bratty omega isn't rising to the bait. He's not being annoying or domineering. He's just pliant and soft, and in Harry's bed. Surrounded by Harry's scent. Harry can only watch as Louis continues to squirm around, kicking the covers off of him. He stretches and Harry spots a sliver of tanned skin from where Harry's team hoodie has ridden up.

It's such a stark contrast to the last time they were in each other's space. He's so distracted he almost doesn't hear the soft and whiny noises that are coming from Louis's mouth.

"What do you want, Louis?" he asks, still trying to sound pissed but it's a lot harder when it's just the two of them and Louis is quite literally lying in his bed, in his sheets.

"Can you take my socks off please? 'S too hot," Louis requests quietly.

Harry really doesn't want to indulge the omega. He hardly thinks Louis deserves any special treatment after the stunts that he's been pulling. But at the same time, he doesn't know if he could actually deny the omega anything. Especially after not having seen him in a week. So he stalks forward, tugging on Louis's slim ankles to pull him closer to the end of the bed. He strips off his socks, albeit a bit roughly, tossing them to the ground.

Louis makes another sound, this time more pleased and Harry loses his focus all over again. He's still so riled up from the fact that Louis was just blatantly touching another alpha like that. If he's being totally honest, he could give two flying fucks about Louis being in his flat. The omega practically lives there. But when he pictures Louis curled into Zayn's side like that, that irrational anger resurfaces.

"What did you think you were doing with Zayn?" He tries to confront the omega. He knows if they get into one of their screaming matches, at least anger will be released instantly and he can stop feeling so ... whatever this feeling is. He feels hot and scratchy all over, like he could run a marathon but also like he can barely move.

As predicted, Louis doesn't respond. Instead the omega continues to squirm all over the sheets as if trying to get comfortable. It takes Harry a second to make out what he's saying, but when he does he feels as if he's been sloshed in the face with a bucket of ice water.

"What?" Is all he can ask, dumbly.

"Please Alpha," Louis breathes out. "Please."

Harry immediately feels his lower region stiffen, despite his annoyance. He makes his way towards the bed, eyes never leaving Louis.

"What do you want, darling?" He can't help the term of endearment slip out. How could he when there's this vision of a stunning omega in his bed, all his for the taking?

"Need you," Louis all but slurs out.

"Yeah?" Harry asks as he undresses quickly before climbing onto the bed. "Didn't seem like you needed me earlier. Getting all close with my best friend. "

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