hello old friend. P2

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I wake up to the sound of rain hitting my bedroom window and a quite knock at the door that I barely hear the first time "Come in."

"Good morning y/n."
"Mooney! Oh my god!" I leap out of bed almost falling by slipping on a piece of old parchment.
"Master Snape would like you to come downstairs." The smile that was once there had vanished he now stares at the floor "I've missed you mooney, Come here." I knelt down and extended my arms to him. Scooping Mooney up hugging him tightly. "Oh how I've missed you old friend." As I put him down he looks up at me smiling from ear to ear "I missed you too my dear, Now watch your step it's a bit cluttered on your way down."

He holds my hand as we walk down the stairs "have you seen my other slipper?" I ask searching the room.  "here you go my dear." He holds them above his head handing them to me I kneel down kissing his forehead "thank you."
"Y/n." my father's voice is quiet and low. Mooney steps back bowing his head.

 "yes father?"

"Leave the elf alone." I Look at him and say "I'm not bothering him father, Can I not greet a friend I have not seen in ages." I shoot mooney a wink before My father tries to sends him away "Clean y/n's room, It hasn't been properly cleaned in months, And get me the morning paper."
"As you wish master."
"Father... Please fetch the morning paper Mooney, And he doesn't have to clean my room I can do it myself."
"You will not, what is the point in having a house elf if you do everything for it?"
"Him not it! He is here by choice remember, He is no longer bound to us but he stays anyways. not for you but for me. I treat him as an equil not as property."
"I vowed to watch over and protect my young y/n and yourself master Severus, After the passing of Mrs Liza. You are my family, I would do anything to protect my family."

Severus smiles slightly "I see so much of your mother in you, You are a bright young lady y/n, Mooney I apologize, But can you still fetch me the paper?" Mooney nods and leaves the room. "What are we doing today?"
"Your lesions start immediately , Today we will work on legilimency." I groan and slump over the couch "whyyyy, It's break can we do something fun? Pleasee!" I beg him
"You need to know these things y/n, It's a good skill and you will be ahead of your peers when you return to hogwarts." 
"can it wait till this evening?" 
"Why this evening?" 
"I want to spend some time with Mooney, I promise we'll get my room cleaned. Pleaseee!" with a deep sign and a slight nod he sends me away.

Mooney comes back with the paper I take it from him and throw it across the room to my father, I grab his hand and we run up the stairs "what is the rush y/n?" 
"we have some catching up to do." I throw myself onto the bed patting the bed next to me "come on get your butt up here." He crawls up and sits at the foot of the bed. "What are you doing all the way over there?" slowly he shuffles his body closer and we now sit knee to knee "there we go." I give a slight chuckle and look around the room "How was hogwarts? Make any new friends this year?" he questions.
"Same friends. Well there is Lovegood she's quite lovely, She has the sweetest voice, we often sat together in the court yard and she would read to me. She's the only new friend I made nobody wants to be friends with a slytherin, or the professor's daughter." 
"their loss then you are an amazing friend y/n and this lovegood girl is lucky to have you as a friend. People will always try and find the negative things in you before they even know you, All you can do is ignore their whispers and prove them wrong." He pauses and taps my knee "y/n what's the matter? You were smiling moments ago did I say something?" I snap out of my trance and see the concerned look "sorry, I was just lost in thought. It was nothing you said or did don't you worry." 

"If I did something to offend you I apologize it was not my intentions to do so, We don't have to talk about your friends if that is what upsets you." 
"I'm fine, I was just thinking about an incident that happened, You remember the weasley's right?" 
"the youngest one, Ginny she has a deep hatred towards me, She's always trying to find something bad about me and is always looking for trouble when I'm around. She practically attacked me when I was looking for Mcgonagall."
"oh dear, did she receive a punishment? Surely your father did something about it."
"I told him to leave it be, It was the last day of school no point in getting her in trouble, I do hope she grows out of it though, If not it will be quite annoying and end up with me getting a few battle scars from her beastly behavior." I say jokingly. 

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