Chapter 54

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Chapter 54: The Fifth Day of the God Festival

    "I beg the true God to bless you!"

    Grandpa Xiao kowtowed heavily again, his tone and expression were extremely frenetic.

    Xia Xiaoxiao lowered her eyes to look at each other, she suddenly laughed lightly, and then slowly landed from the sky above the altar: "Your request is very interesting, but unfortunately I won't agree."

    Turn the whole world into a large-scale horror game amusement The field, for some people, is indeed exciting and fun.

    But if Xia Xiaoxiao really likes this kind of scene, then she can stay in the previous thriller game, instead of sleeping in a crystal coffin every day.

    Compared with the horror game field full of blood and pollution, she still prefers the calm and peaceful ordinary world.

    You can walk on the street with the soft summer wind blowing, stop by the stalls and eat a few bites of your favorite food.

    Instead of eating and eating, watching the blood splatter, watching the internal organs flow, and watching some troublesome deformed monsters rushing around in front of him.

    At the beginning, after she was slashed by thousands of knives by the residents of her own city, she did not actually die. She was born with a different body, and her body had a particularly high activity, and she could recover immediately after suffering multiple injuries.

    At that time, after she was shaved, they put her in a crystal coffin, sealed her coffin with forty-nine chains, and buried her underground at the gate of the city, trying to cover her grievances with popularity, Fear of her wrongful resurrection.

    She was indeed resurrected, and her body with only bones was able to grow blood again. She was suffocated in a deep underground coffin, repeatedly experienced suffocation and resurrection, and finally one day she found that she had more powerful strength, she It seems that he has really become their god.

    All their dark desires and resentments, all their twisted prayers were passed into her brain, and they raised a real evil god with their own flesh and blood soul.

    In the end, even if the city is destroyed, she will exist forever.

    It's just that her power is different. Darkness and malice will strengthen her power and make her completely lose her part as a human being. She absorbs the evil thoughts of the world and returns blessings to these villains.

    Although she died because of good thoughts, she was born because of evil thoughts. So far, she could no longer be separated from the evil thoughts dormant in the dark, so she naturally became the leader of evil spirits and the lord of darkness.

    Hearing Xia Xiaoxiao's answer, the Xiao family's uncle grandpa was stunned. He couldn't react for a while, but was stunned and at a loss: "You have already accepted the offering, how can you refuse? It's impossible.

    " If you will refuse the worship of believers, how can you refuse the prayers of the family!" The uncle of the Xiao family

    seemed to be unable to believe Xia Xiaoxiao's refusal. It was actually rejected by the evil god himself.

    But the evil gods clearly accepted their offerings.

    In fact, Uncle Xiao’s question is right. The evil god has no human feelings, and the evil god will not have any compassion. He is like a spirit body condensed by darkness without sadness and joy. If someone offers sacrifices to him product, He will respond to the request.

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