Chapter 9

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Taehyung's POV

Not gonna lie I was so darn nervous because of the stupid and ugly smirk he had on his stupid, ugly and frog looking face. I was escorted by a guard to see that irritating man at his office.

I was outside the door when the guard left without saying a word. I knocked on the door and heard a faint and irrtated "come in". I went inside and waited until he could use his terrible voice and just speak.

Finally after a million no trillion years he finally spoke. "Kim Taehyung so as you know you are a slave here trying to pay your debt not anything else, you are not high and mighty at all and you know that, he said. I internally rolled my eyes.

THEN WHO THE DARN HELL GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO SAY BAD AND FALSE STUFF ABOUT ME TO ANOTHER SLAVE, he shouting slamming his hands on the desk. I flinched at the loud voice.

"B-but sir I s-said nothing about y-you, I stuttered. Not gonna lie he seemed really angry now and I do not want to make him angry even more.

"Don't lie to me, I know your dirty tricks on how you want to get off from this postition and make me lose my reputation by saying all those bad things", he said gritting his teeth.

I kept quite knowing it was useless to reply back. "ANSWER ME!", he shouted. My eyes began to get teary, I did not like him but it does not mean I would say false things about him.

I put my head down and tears started to fall on the floor. "Now you crying huh are you guilty of what you done, just wait I will get you in prison very soon then you will not be able to pay off your debt", he said.

I never looked up or replied him with anything which seemed to irritate and make him more angry then before. He stood up and walked up to me I could not see him as my head was down but he seemed very close to me.

"Look up you piece of worthless crap", he said venom lacing in his voice. I had no choice but to look up. My teary messed up face met with his angry face. His veins seemed liked they were going pop.

"Answer me, why did you say all those shit about me?", he said clenching his fist. I did not answer him, because I never do it and he will not even believe me.

Then suddenly he raised his hand of course with the intention of hitting me. I brought my hands to block my face but before he could hit me we heard a deep voice boom loudly throught the room

Lay your dirty fingers on him, I dare you, I will kill you.

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