Chapter 1

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Author POV

Jungkook was sitting on his bed thinking about what happend a few weeks ago-his parents was just sitting and laughing with him then a few hours later they are gone.

It showed him you never know when your loved ones are gone. You just have to spend you time with like its their last day on earth.

He wiped a tear away and stood up,did his morning routine and went to his throne room. Everything happend so fast and now he is a king.

He was met with 3 of his friends who are Jung Yoongi(in charge of weapons), Jung Hoseok(in charge of the training of the soldiers) and Kim Namjoon(the mastermind of it all he comes up with all the plans to raid the other enemy kingdoms).

Jungkook's POV

I saw Yoongi,Hoseok and Namjoon coming towards me. "Hello", all three of them said and bowed. "Aish you don't need to bow you are like my family and you are older than me."I said with a poker face.

They smiled and Namjoon said, "But you are our new king we have to bow to you. When he said that I became sad but I never showed it."Am i ready to become a king...everything just happend so fast i don't know anymore." I said. "If anyone can be a good king it will be you." Hoseok said."I agree with Hoseok." Yoongi said.

I just left and went to the throne. I touched it, it felt so powerful. I sat on it and closed my eyes. I sent out my commander to call all the ministers and other important people. My eyes were closed as I was tired and I never get enough sleep.

Suddenly I hear people starting to come on and loud whispering was heard. I straightend my posture and "silence." I commanded. They all kept quiet and looked at me. I closed my eyes,took a deep breath and out and I opened my eyes again.

This is were it all begins.

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