Chapter 5

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Jungkook's POV

I decided to go and see how the slaves were and that they weren't giving any problems to the soldiers. I dressed in my robes again and put my crown on my head.

I looked in the mirror and I was satisfied on how I looked. I went outside and some guards were there. They followed behind me to where the slaves were. At this time they should probably be having dinner right now.

So I went there, and the guards opened the gate and bowed as I entered. I entered and everyone became silent. Not even a pindrop was heard.

I looked around and everything seemed fine. Until I looked at one male. He was looking so beautiful despite some scars on his face. He was looking at me so surprised.

It seemed so cute considering there was some rice on his lips. Oh his lips they looked so delicious I just wanted to kiss them so bad. I realised I was looking at him for quite some time now so I shifted my gaze to else where.

I took a look at the boy one more time and turned around and walked away. I went back to my room and changed and took off my crown. I didn't feel like eating food so I called a servant."Listen tell the others I won't be eating dinner", I said.

The servant nodded her head and walked away. I layed on my bed and decided to go on my phone.

After a while I saw the time and it was 11pm. I was jungshooked(😲) the time went so fast. I decided to go to sleep, I put my phone on the nightstand table. I layed my head on the soft pillow and drifted of to sleep. The last thing I remembered was:

The cute boy with a cute surprised look on his face and with rice on his lips.

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