Author's Note:(Prologue and info)

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A new year for students in Rosewood High was just about to begin.  It is not worth mentioning now, is it? Every year there is the same story with this school. Students would come enthusiastically one the first day to meet friends. The "we will not study kids" occupy the back seats, also commonly called backbenchers.  The "toppers" will sit at the front and will have study books in their hands even on the first day. 

Some who are known as the "troublemakers" will come to school for one soul thing and that is to create a ruckus. There are some who have no aim, no goal. They are the "middle benchers". There is a rule in this school for centuries. That is that students from different groups cannot mingle with each other.  This means that the toppers will never talk with the backbenchers and so on and so forth. 

The school does not accept failures. They believe that everything should be carried out with precision. Even if it is means you have to be a robot. One thing you need to remember is that the moment you step inside the school, you become nothing more than a puppet or a lab rat for them. The school will use you till the most that they can and then you would be thrown to the side. 

Anybody who does not follow these rules becomes an outcast. It is needless to say that the life of an outcast in Rosewood High is worse than that of a beggar.  However, amidst all there is one person who will soon feel the need to fight against the harsh system. 

He is one whose exterior is as cold as ice in Russia, but his eyes shine with determination. With slate - blue hair and a long scarf tied around his neck, he rules the Rosewood High. He is called by many names. The most popular one is 'cold - hearted demon' for those who stand in his way never truly succeed and are beaten mercilessly. 

He always remains one his one. He is basically the "lone wolf" of his group of friends.  He is the leader of the Student Council. One who when glares with his amethyst eyes, can make Satan shiver with fright. The sole heir to the Hiwatari Company and will be inheriting half of the World. The guy of every girl's dream. He is Kai Hiwatari. 

Now, what makes him change his mind about the system? What or rather I should say that who influences him to become a fighter? 

The answer to that can be obtained by a stubborn, strong - willed and never giving up girl. She is a tomboy and can be bossy. She is one who knows what she wants and how to get it done. She is perhaps the only one who could stand parallel to the Student Council President without fearing him.  Her hair is unusually brown resulting in a darkish brown color like chocolate. Her big almond-colored eyes which showcase a fire. 

She was whom we could say, pretty to look at but deadly to touch. Underneath her tough facade, she was a kind and caring girl who was and still is loyal to her friends. Her bubbly attitude could brighten up anybody's day. 

She was the light much needed in that school filled with darkness. Alas, she has still not entered the school premises, however when she comes, an earthquake is vital. She who will bring hilarity to the school, Hilary Tachibana. However, she seems to be having another agenda beside breaking the rules. 

So, what will happen to her when she gets on Kai's radar? What will happen when ice meets fire? It is obvious that when ice and fire meet, only one remains the victor.  

Will the emotionless human Kai fall under her reigns or will Hilary be dominated by Kai? One thing is for sure. This battle for dominance will definitely be interesting. Let me give you a small preview of some later chapters.

"You may have changed me Hilary but do not ever make the mistake of thinking that you are above me."

"My dear dear Kai. Why force yourself to glare when you know that you can never use that facade on me. I know you better than you know yourself now. You will or perhaps have you already somewhere in your heart given yourself to me."

"Dream on. That will never happen."

"Shush Hitwari. You should not make promises like that which you know you cannot keep. After all I can sense it. Your face says something, but your body is acting otherwise."

However, how can a story be complete without a few villains and anti-protagonist. The principal does seem to have tricks up his back to stop the outcasts and why is there a person nearly similar to Hilary with him. What is going on in this school behind the curtains? Is this school really what they call themselves to be? Is there a greater force pulling the punches from behind?

There while solving and uncovering the secret, Kai and Hilary find something which brings a huge question towards their childhood. Is that something enough to weigh on their love or will their love for each other be able to cross that final trial and be able to be peacefully together. 

The world is like a huge ball of deception and lies. It was rightly said that looks can be deceiving. The question is who the deceiver in this story is and is he/she actually a bad person? With corruption and deception in every corner, no one can be trusted.

Your friends could be the one who may cause you the most danger.  So, at the end of the day, everything is being tested, your friendship, your trust and your love.   

Will the cherry Hilary melt the emotionless Kai's heart and together they will unite to pass all tests or will their love fall in abyss and fail before even starting. Will they stand united or will they fall apart and divide. A fight against the school system, a love story between a strong girl and emotionless boy, backstabbing friends and secrets about the past. 

Let us wait and see or in this case read and find out what happens. I hope you enjoy the story further.

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