Chapter 1

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(Last day before school resumes)

" Young Master Kai, for today you will first be practicing archery, followed by piano, then I shall overwatch your studies in the study room, you shall then accompany Master Hiwatari to the grand ceremony and that is all for today young master."

"Eskar, I have a student council meeting at 7 pm. Make sure to add that in the timetable."

"I am sorry for the rude interruption, but according to your schedule, you will have to leave for the ceremony at 7 pm. "

"Well then Eskar, I presume that you will be communicating with my father on this matter. "

"But of course, young master."

(Kai P.O.V)

 I heaved a sigh when I heard the door click. Eskar was our family butler, and he has been serving us for ages. To say truthfully, he would be the only person in the whole house I actually have faith in.

I nearly laughed when he told me that my father wished for me to accompany him in a ceremony. The guy who would choose money over anything, even family, wanted to take me. Probably another business deal or perhaps to marry me with a rich brat girl.

His negligence and uncaring attitude used to bother me a lot. Keyword used to. Know I just do not feel anything anymore. It does not matter to me whether he will slap me, marries me off for money, he can do anything he wants. I just do not feel anything anymore.

Ever since I understood the truth about the world, I do not think that emotions are needed. My grandfather taught me this. To be perfect, to be invincible, to never have anything bother you again, you need to be emotionless. 

Ever since then, I have taken control over my feelings. It seems my years of practice are finally starting to pay off.  The only people, however, I am not able to get rid of is my childhood best friend Tala. 

Then again being friends with Tala will not cause much change to cause no matter how much he acts like he is scared of me, there are times when you know you will never want to mess with him. 

I felt a notification on my phone. I took it out to see a message from Tala. My eyes hardened into a glare. That brat was out partying......again. I thought about calling him and shouting at him but on second thoughts I stopped. 

It was pointless to tell him anything and I did not want to waste my breath nor my time on something so irrelevant. I felt my phone vibrate again but this time I did not pick it up assuming that it was a text from Tala. 

It would probably be something about asking if I wanted to join when he knows I will never. I presumed to ignore my phone and enjoy the silence but soon was unable to do so due to the constant sound of notifications.

Irritated, I took the phone in my hand expecting to see a stupid photo of some chick Tala finds 'hot' only to receive a message that the school will be reopening from tomorrow. I was amused that Tala actually thought of something other than partying but did not show it on my face. 

I threw the phone on my bed and went towards the full-length window. Great another year of school studying everything I already know. Well, I suppose that it will be a good escape from this jail of a house. I heard a knock at my door. It was Eskar. Looked like it is time for archery practice. 

I do not know why but I have a feeling this year in Rosewood High will be different. Let us see what happens....

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