Chapter 2

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(Hilary's P.O.V)

~~Its 8:30 wake up wake up wake up~~~~

I groaned in annoyance and used my hand trying to hit the alarm clock aimlessly, but I did not reach it. In growing annoyance, I sat up and threw the alarm clock down. Thankfully the clock did not break otherwise I feel my mother would have broken my hands. 

I wiped some of the access saliva dripping from the corner of my mouth and tried to get up from my bed. What happens when you are an untidy sleeper and throw nearly half the pillows and the blanket on the floor? Let me tell you, you faceplant on the floor when you try to get up. 

This happened with me. Damn I really am unlucky. I heard my mom shout a are you all right to me to which I replied I am fine even though my face and half of my body hurts.

However, that didn't ruin my mood. I was finally getting to go to the prestigious Rosewood High. The school is only open to kids belonging to either rich or influential families. It was for the first time they decided to hold a scholarship where three students are selected, and they don't have to pay the fees.

I have everything ready. I have a uniform; the books and I have practiced my smile and talk in front of the mirror to many times. I am ready!

"Would you get off the floor already before I have to hold a wedding for the two of you?"

I knew that voice all too well. It was my little brother Tyson. This kid really got on my nerves. Although I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't miss him when I got to Rosewood High. They are a boarding school, and every child has to stay there. 

Apparently, that is there "school rules"

"Hey you there. Earth to Hilary"

"Ya sorry what were you saying?"

"I was saying get down for breakfast. Mom's made chocolate pancakes."

"SCORE! Last when there gets the smaller piece."

"Hey, you did not say go cheater Hilary!"

I laughed. Man, I really love my family. I wonder how I will live without them.

My mom is sweet, kind and would probably adopt anyone if she had the power. My dad is working in an international organization whose name I can never seem to remember. He only gets a few hours to call us, but he makes sure to send us and Mom gifts. Despite that, somehow, I feel closer to dad. 

Rosewood High. Prepare to be wowed. I thought while stuffing my face with pancakes. God these taste like heaven.

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