Chapter 4

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(Head master's P.O.V)

It seems I have underestimated Kane. It seems that he would soon try to leave me. Well in that case I could just kill him. Not a problem.

I removed my face mask and the voice modifier. Those damn things are really itchy. Well I guess it is a give and take. Be itchy and control the world. I am ready.

I heard my phone, but this was the other one. This one belonged for people in my family. Seems like there a problem.

I look at the caller id. It is Kai. Oh my beloved grandson. How he will be my first experiment and turn this world upside down. My best weapon, my beloved grandson.

I picked the call.

"Hello grandfather."

"Greetings Kai"

"I am thinking that you are wondering why I called you right?"

"No my dear Kai. I know why you have called. For I Voltaire Hitwari, never forget a promise."

"As expected. When should I expect you?"

"In a few hours"


I ended the call after that. There was no point in continuing. Hm...since Kai also goes to Rosewood, perhaps I should pair him with Kane's daughther. Afterall it is not easy to score a hundred percent on the test. She and Kai will make the perfect babies with strong genes.


Cough cough cough. Damn that never works.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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