All about the mirror...

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Oh looky here, you've lived to see what this world has become. I'm here too. And no, I'm not happy. This generation... Kids sag, curse at their parents, flunk school(not all), create new words, like Mook, Thot, Wavy, Drid. I'm not happy with them half the time, yet we're so focused on fitting in that we forget who we are sometimes. Stand in front of a mirror, and ask yourself if your happy. You might say yes just for the heck of it, but look deeply into your eyes. You know that one person that always seems to know what's wrong with you when eye contact is made? Be that person, look deeply into your eyes and ask yourself if your happy. If you say yes, then stop reading bro.

No, this won't be some crappy paragraph on why your better than this and you should love yourself. It's alright not to be happy, because that just gives you another reason to keep going. Your here to find out your meaning not to make others happy. If others can't make you happy, fuck them, and make yourself happy.

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