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"Hey, Hun, do we have any macaroni noodles?"

Ken rummaged through the cabinets, pushing items aside to peer behind and beside and through, hoping for the welcome sight of the pasta in any box, bag, or container. He was finally looking to try his hand at some homemade mac and cheese tonight to surprise Barbie for dinner, but he was seeming fruitless in his search... He grunted in frustration as he stood back from the cabinet, glaring into its lack of contents.

We really need to go grocery shopping tomorrow...

After a few seconds, he realized that his wife didn't answer, so he turned back and looked around the kitchen area. Ken cupped his hand around his mouth and spoke a bit louder.

"Barbie? Do we have macaroni?"

No answer...

Ken took that back: there was an answer.



Ken frowned in sympathy and halted his search, ignoring the cabinets to walk back towards the small hallway that led to the bathroom. He pressed his ear up to the door and listened further, hearing more guttural moans and splashes of stomach contents being regurgitated into the toilet.

He closed his eyes and sighed heavily, sympathetically... hoping she would feel better soon.

It's been 10 weeks.

10 weeks since they found out Barbie was pregnant.

But week 5 of morning sickness.

5 long weeks...

Ken always wondered why they called it 'morning' sickness when it seemed to last all day and night. It most certainly wasn't only resigned to the morning hours.

Barbie had explained wryly that it was because it was technically in the 'morning' of the pregnancy, referring to the first trimester. The first 14 weeks were just simply early on in the stages of the whole process.

When the sound of the toilet flushing hit his ears, Ken opened his eyes again and stood back a step when he heard the door handle jiggle.

His wife's pale, clammy face appeared, sweaty and tired... Barbie looked exhausted and worn out, utterly drained of any energy.

She had had a rough bout of morning sickness since she discovered the two of them were expecting their first child. Dry heaving, throwing up, complete aversion to her long-time favorite dishes. Even the simple odor of some of the once palatable meals turned her stomach on its head and sent her racing towards the golden throne... Garlic? No way... Chicken curry soup? Nope... Garbage can? Forget it!

Ken tilted his head and frowned, speaking softly to her. He might not be able to fully comprehend what she was going through but tried to be there for her all the same.

"Aww... hun... you still sick?"

Barbie covered her mouth and hiccupped, nodding. She gulped, swallowing hard, then panted shakily. When she turned her bloodshot blues up to her husband, his heart sank. Her lip trembled slightly as she squeaked out her exasperated sadness that she was totally over the situation.

"Ken... I want this... I want this to go away", her breath hitched in her throat as her emotions went haywire. She sniffled and wiped away at a tear...

"Oh, sweetie...", he quietly empathized, instinctively pulling her into a hug. She melted into his chest and sobbed, immediately soaking his sweatshirt. Ken held her tightly, rubbing her back up and down in a circular motion, hoping to ease her pain and discomfort.

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