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"Welcome jagiya." Taehyung said the moment he saw me, as he opened his main door. "Thanks" I say and take a step inside his warm house. Out was really cold as it was December, but his house was so cozy and homely.

He closes the door as I remain standing in the corridor, waiting for him. He turns and keeps my bag which had clothes in the corridor and immediately pulls me in a hug. "Can't wait...I'm so happy and excited." He says. "So do me." I reply hugging him back tightly. Feeling warm in his warm, relaxing embrace.

We had decided to do a sleepover. So, I was here with him, to have a nice, warm, romantic night together.

"Come" He says after pulling back and makes me walk with him. And soon sit on the couch, with him beside me.

"So as per the plan...we have snacks, warm drinks and chocolates. Already set with the warm, comfy blankets. I have already picked up a movie, but you can suggest too." He says and I hum.

"Wait...I forgot the cushions. One second." He says and goes inside his bedroom. Meanwhile, I stand and remove my over coat, folding it and keeping it neatly at the corner.

"Here it goes." He says throwing the cushions on the blankets below. I chuckle and arrange them properly so that, we could lie on them while watching the movie.

We both then sit down. Taehyung switches on the TV and the movie starts to play, showing the celebrities, producers names. I keep the chips and popcorn bowl in front of us and meanwhile, Tae takes a blanket and covers both of us.

I smile and sit with him closely wrapped in the warm blanket. We both eat and drink warm hot chocolate in between, watching movie.

As the movie comes to the second half, I feel a bit tired and rest my head on his shoulder. He kisses my head from above and takes my hands in his.


I yawn as the movie shows 'The End' and stretch my arms in the air. "Tired?" He asks and I smile a little and nod. "Give me a minute." He says and gets up.

Soon he comes to me. "Please stand jagiya." He says and I do as he says. "What happened Ta....God, you don't have to do this." I say as he carries me bridal style.

"It's ok and I know you are tired." He says and I smile a little. "Okay" I say and he smiles and begins walking. I hold him tightly as he walks.

We enter his bedroom and I see the cushions and blankets already on the bed. The room looks so warm and cozy already. "Wow" I say and he smiles and puts me down.

"I did this so that you could sleep easily." He says and I smile and kiss his cheek. "You can sleep on the bed, I will prepare a mattress down here and sleep on it." He says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What...No you will not sleep down. I want...I want you t-to sleep with me." I say feeling my cheeks burn with shyness. "A-Are you sure?" He asks and I nod and hold his hand pulling him with me on the bed.

"I'll change and come." I say and go out of his bedroom to take my night dress from my bag. I change in his washroom, and wear a buttoned up shirt with a matching coloured shorts.


" came. Come here." Tae says as I return from changing and he pats at the space beside him.

I smile and sit beside him and rest my head on his shoulder. He was watching puppies videos on his phone and I was watching whatever he was watching too.

"Awww this dog is so cute." I say as he nods and smiles too watching the puppy.

Time Skip

I yawn after sometime as I feel myself getting tired. "Sleepy?" He asks me as he sees me yawning.

I nod and giggle a bit. He smiles too. "Let's sleep then." He says and keeps his phone on his side table.

I lay down completely and stretch my arms and legs with a tired sigh. Taehyung opens the blanket and spreads out to cover me.

"Thanks" I say and he smiles and comes and lays beside me. He too takes up the blanket up till his nose and switches off the light from his side table.

"Hmmm" I say with a satisfied voice as Tae wraps his hand around my waist, pulling me close to him. "(Y/n) I love you." He says after sometime. "I love you too my TaeTae." I say too.

Soon, he shifts and lays completely over me, resting his head on my chest as his both hands hold me by my waist. And I bring my fingers in his scalp, massaging him.

"Are you not wearing your bra?" He says after some time, catching me of gaurd. "Huh?" I say and he picks his head up from my chest, showing me his shy smile. "I mean, It feels so soft....So." He says pointing at my breast as I bite my lip, holding my shy smile.

"Yes, I mean...It feels uncomfortable wearing it....So ya." I say as he innocently nods and kisses my nose. "My sweet baby." He says and I giggle.

We stare at each other for some seconds and he moves forward, delicately placing his warm, soft lips on mine, kissing me softly. I kiss him back softly too, feeling his lips mould and move with mine slowly and sensually.

I pull back in need of oxygen and hold his cheek smiling at him. He again lays on top of me and says. "I love you." I smile and kiss his hairs and say "I love you baby bear."

Writing this also makes me feel single

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Writing this also makes me feel single...🥺


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