Wheezing.|Chapter 4|

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I grew anxious as time past, my palms growing sweaty. I kept mulling over in my mind all of the possibly scenarios. I opened the window, in hopes that some fresh air might calm my nerves. Soon I gave up on thinking, it had been a total of two and a half hours since I saw anyone from the team in the station. Quickly my anxiety grew into frustration, resulting in me swinging the door open and walking into the main office, there I saw a blonde woman with a rather bright outfit, lovely of course and it suited her.

"Riley!" She exclaimed, stopping me in my tracks.

"Do I know you?" I asked, my tone sounding more like a snap than a general question.

"Um, I'm not sure. I'm Penelope Garcia. I'm with the team." She began to explain. "I'm the Technical Analyst out of the BAU of Quantico." She extended a hand to me and grinned. I shook her hand, but my eyes continued to dart around the room. When my gaze landed back on her a concerned expression was looking back at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really stressed out." I said, brushing some of my now very messy hair out of my face. She sighed and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Why don't you go home and pack a care bag for the next few hours, maybe get cleaned up and put on some comfy clothes. Here's my card, I'll call you when the team gets back." I smiled and gave her a smile.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it." I said, giving her a smile. I quickly gathered my things from the room, and my eyes caught the Steinbeck books that Spencer had taken out for me. I felt guilty but i couldn't help it, I shoved the old copy of of mice and men into my purse and quickly left the station. It didn't take long to catch a cab and get back to my building. The campus was buzzing with gossip about Evelyn's case, and for the first time that day I couldn't wait to get back to the station. I fumbled with my keys in the elevator, and when the doors opened I ran down the hall to my dorm room. I felt like i was unsafe, like I had eyes all over me, but I knew I was just being paranoid. The lock finally gave and I shut the door abruptly behind me with a slightly louder than intended bang.

10:30 p.m.

After taking time to calm down and packing an overnight bag I found myself back at the police station. Many unfamiliar faces smiled at me as i walked down the hall to the room I had been in earlier that day. I pulled my cardigan up over my shoulders again, as it kept falling off under the weight of my small bag. I'd taken time to put a small french braid in my bangs that tied at the crown of my head. When I came back I saw Agent Prentiss coming out of a room, followed by Agent Jareau. I dropped my things off quickly and ran over to them, my mind flipping through a thousand possibilities of tonight's events.

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you. Did you guys find anything?" I asked, my voice shook, worried about what i might hear. Both agent Prentiss and Jareau looked at me sympathetically.

"We did. We found Evelyn's body. We were too late to find her alive, but we have a suspect in the interrogation room now." Agent Jareau said quietly. I felt my chin quiver and my eyes begin to sting. I crossed my arms across my chest and cleared my throat.

"Oh, um. Thank you." I said before rushing into the room I had been occupying for the last several hours. I closed the door quietly then slumped against the wall under the window where nobody could see me. I began to cry, and then wondered where Evelyn's parent's might be. I cried uncontrollably for a few minutes, my body shaking and my breathing became rapid. I stood up and composed myself, tucking loose hairs behind my ears and wiping away the moisture from under my eyes. I walked out of the room just in time to meet Evelyn's parents walking in. I saw Jareau walk up to them and exchange some words. I saw her mothers hands go up to her mouth and she dropped to her knee's. I heard a scream, followed by my best friends name being called. The whole world became a blur when it finally hit me. Evelyn was really gone. It wasn't just words anymore, she was really gone. My ears began to ring as my breathing and heart rate increased. I stabled myself against the wall when I felt light headed and my vision became clouded with stars. My balance became poor and I couldn't hear anything but my heart now. I felt myself falling, and a pair of hands latching onto mine. I fell into the chest of whoever caught me, my forearms resting on theirs. Slowly they set my down on the ground, laying me on my back. I was soon looking up at Spencer as he keeled beside me. He had on hand on either side of my body and was talking to me. I couldn't hear him, but I knew he was saying something to me. My ears began to ring again, and i could hear things although they were very muffled.

"Just breathe deeply, you'll be okay." He said, snapping his fingers by my ear. The sound of the click was much louder than it should have been, and i covered my ear with my hand, sucking air in through my teeth. "Okay, you can hear me. Now look at me." He said, grabbing my hand. "You're panicking, you're overwhelmed. I need you to breath deeply and just focus on me. You need to slow down your heart rate." He said, squeezing my hand gently. I did as he said, taking deep breaths and looking up at him. I followed him as he breathed in and out, copying the pattern of the rise and fall of his chest. My ears stopped ringing and my vision was clear.

"Reid, what happened?" Morgan asked.

"She was overwhelmed by the news, most likely filled with a bit of anxiety and shock. Slight vertigo." He explained. He helped me to my feet but kept a hold of my hand and arm, probably to keep my stable in case i was still dizzy, which I was. "Could you grab some water, I'm going to go sit her down." And with that he escorted me into the room again.

*Hey there guys! so I've got some good ideas coming up in the future. this was kind of a filler chapter, sorry if you found it slow. It's going to get better I promise! Let me know How i'm doing so far, I really want to interact with you guys. Maybe I'll start doing like a question of the day type deal. Who knows.*

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