17 - Fun At The Beach.

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The breakfast next day was relaxing and kind of uneventful. As the group was informed earlier, the day is to be spent at the beach, with those jet ski rides sponsored by Taehyung.

People got up in their own time as there was no schedule. Early risers were lucky enough to catch the beautiful sunrise while the others enjoyed a lazy morning, snuggled in their warm beds.

Taehyung is a morning person and he was enjoying a coffee while looking at the sea, when someone sat on the chair next to him.

"Good morning."

Taehyung looked up at that cheery voice. "Good morning, Sana."

"Weather is great here, right Oppa? No dust at all."

Taehyung hummed in agreement. It really was a pleasant change from the buzz of the city.

"It's gonna be a great day. I can feel it in my left eyebrow." Sana tried to further emphasise her statement by comically wiggling her eyebrows.

Taehyung chuckled at that. "Wow, that's a pretty talented eyebrow." He looked at the girl and tilted his head. "Nice!"

"Ohh.. thank you for the Jet ski rides, Oppa."

"You like them?"

"I love them." Sana gave a few tiny, excited claps. "I couldn't even sleep properly yesterday. It's been so long since I last got on one."

Taehyung smiled softly at the younger girl's enthusiasm. "I hope you have a good time then."

By mid morning, everyone was done with their breakfast and were at the beach in their swimming suits. A row of Jet-skis was there for them to use. Also, there were few yachts for people who wanted to enjoy the sea while relaxing.

Everyone was respectfully waiting for Taehyung to arrive, and for him to have the first turn. Taehyung glanced to the side as he walked near to the Jet-skis and just as he expected, Jungkook was laying down on a sun bed that was furthest from the beach. He had his eyes closed and was basking in the warmth of the morning sun rays.

The man had zero interest in the Jet-skis.

'Understandable', Taehyung thought with a small smile. Jungkook didn't like large bodies of water that much.

Taehyung got onto a Jet ski, amid the cheers of the group and rode off. He could hear the roaring sound of a few other Jet skis getting started too. He was riding at a slow pace, enjoying the warm air against the coldness of the water.

Jungkook heard the sounds of the Jet-skis. And with great difficulty, managed not to turn around to see Taehyung amongst them. They texted a bit in the morning but didn't have an opportunity to talk.

Jungkook is not much of a fan of the ocean, or any big water bodies. He had an unfortunate incident when he was a child, where he fell into a lake. While he was rescued within seconds, that memory seems to be engraved in his mind. It's not exactly a phobia, per se. Jungkook can tolerate the unpleasant feeling without batting an eye. He just doesn't want to.

But, even though Jungkook doesn't like the ocean, he loves the beach. He loves the soft noise of the waves, the feel of the sun on his skin as well as the calmness that surrounds the place.

Well, it's nowhere near calm today but guess he can still pretend and enjoy. He was halfway through falling asleep when he heard a sound of throat clearing. Jungkook opened one eye lazily, and was surprised to see Sana standing next to his sunbed.

"H-hi." Sana said in a voice clearly oozing with nervousness. "I-is it okay if I sit here?"

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. "Sure."

It's a free beach. He doesn't have authority to prevent anyone from doing anything. Now that Taehyung is not in a vicinity, Jungkook felt like he could afford to be a little welcoming.

"You don't like to ride Jet-skis?"

Jungkook shook his head while having his eyes closed. "I don't like the ocean."


Sana was silent for a few seconds as she processed that bit of information. Because she clearly remembered that Jungkook was the one who suggested going for a beach vacation.

"But I thought you wanted to come to the beach."

Jungkook bit back a reply as he was sure it'll sound rude. "Yeah, I like the beach. But not the ocean. I don't like water bodies."


Jungkook knew it was rude to keep ignoring the girl. She is a coworker, after all. He turned his head to look at the girl sitting on the sunbed. "How about you?"

The change in the girl's face was very visible. She looked away almost immediately but not before Jungkook caught the sight of her blushing face.

"I- uhh.. didn't feel like skiing today."

"Hmm.." Jungkook hummed absentmindedly.

He was already slipping back to his tranquil state, not having a clue about his companion's flustered state.

They stayed in silence for a few minutes, before Sana spoke up again.

"Uhhh… Jungkook?" Jungkook opened his eyes again at that hesitant tone.


"I..uhh.. really admire you as an artist." Sana's hands, which were folded over her lap, were slightly shaking but her voice was steady. "You're like my favourite artist."

Jungkook playfully raised an eyebrow at that. "Me?"

"Yeah. We all look up to you so much. The way you handled your disbandment, how you struggled through to make a name as a soloist, never giving up on your dreams. You're like a legend to us."

Now it was Jungkook's turn to blush. "What legend-" He mumbles quietly, but to his dismay, Sana seemed to have heard it too.

"You are." Sana looked down at her lap. "It's such a great opportunity to work with you."

Jungkook had to turn his head away for that comment. He didn't know what to say to that. Luckily, Sana didn't look like she was waiting for an answer either..

Both their thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an approaching Jet ski. They turned their heads to look at how Taehyung got down from the Jet ski.  And making his way towards where Jungkook and Sana was sitting.


A/N - hiiiiiiiiiii..👋👋👋 how are you guys? Hope all okay with your lives and you guys are happy.

I'm sorry for giving out a filler sort of a chapter after taking such a loooooong break. Looks like I'm bit rusted. I guess that's what happens when you give up writing for over a month. Hopefully it'll pass soon.

I'll try to update more frequently from now, no promises though.. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

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