The ear splitting noise of thunder, is what woke Taehyung. At first, he couldn't tell where he was. It was pitch black, with loud constant buzz, which he identified a second later as rain.
A stroke of lightning illuminated the surrounding area in the next second and he could then see the tent and Jungkook's sleeping bag. And he could very well see the patch of water that is slowly seeping under the tent.
Taehyung quickly got out of his sleeping bag and switched on the flashlight. "Kookie! Baby, wake up!"
Jungkook stirred slightly but was back to sleep in the next second. Biting back the endearing smile, Taehyung shook the other with a little more force. "Kookie, wake up!"
"Hmm.. m'sleepy."
"Koo, come on! Your sleeping bag will get wet in a minute."
Jungkook sat up with a groan. "What the fuck is going on-"
Suddenly the flap door of the tent opened and Hobi walked in, holding another flashlight. With one look at his worried face and drenched attire, Taehyung could say that things were bad.
"We're going back to the resort." Hoseok went straight to Jungkook's backpack and started to put his stuff in.
"What?!" Two sets of confused voice rang out at the same time
"Yeah. Apparently the weather is gonna get even worse soon. There are few off road trucks to get us back."
Another stroke of lightning set the place alight, just as Jimin burst through the flap door, dropping water everywhere.
Taehyung gave a nod and turned to pack his stuff, which were only a few items, while Jimin gave waterproof bags to everyone to put their phones in. They were all out of the tent within minutes, and were drenched almost immediately. The rain was too heavy to even properly open their eyes and no one had any rain gear on, except regular caps. They couldn't hear anything other than the whooshing noise and needed to keep their mouths closed, unless they wish to drink a mouthful of rainwater.
"Come on, this way!" Jimin yelled as he grabbed Taehyung's arm and pulled the latter. "We need to stick together."
Instinctively, Taehyung's other hand shot out towards Jungkook, grabbing onto his jacket sleeve. Hoseok was standing close to Jungkook and already had a hand over the idol's back. Together, they walked towards the big light shining at the edge of the clearing.
When they were there, they could see that everyone had already gathered and were being rushed into the trucks. One of the trucks was already leaving, and there were only two more left.
"Jimin! Over here!" Yoongi yelled loudly, getting their attention.
He was standing next to a truck, drenched like everyone else. Jimin half walked - half ran towards him, pulling Taehyung by his hand too. Yoongi gave a worried nod, before tilting his head towards the open back of the truck. The resort only had 3 trucks so the men had to sit in the open.
"Is everyone safe?" Taehyung asked in a worried tone, glancing around to check. "Where's Sana?"
"She went in the first truck. Soobin and Yeonjun are counting and sending everyone. They won't miss. You guys should get on."
Right then, Soobin came running towards them. "We are all set to go."
"Okay then, let's leave."
Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi, Jungkook and Hoseok get onto the truck. There wasn't much space since three other guys were already sitting there but it was manageable.

Prettiest Lie - A Taekook Love Story.
FanficTaehyung and Jungkook had been in a relationship for the past 8 year. There's nothing that they love more than each other. But the rest of the world... just didn't knew that. "Are you seriously asking me to not react when you kiss someone else?!" "J...