"Alleged fatherhood accusations against nation's top actor, Kim Taehyung are proven to be false.The anonymous allegations posted in social media by a woman (Miss C) had crumbled in to dust, as Kim Taehyung's agency brought forward the proof about the REAL father of the child.
Earlier today, the head of PR team at BigHit, Im Nayeon called for a press conference, along with two representatives from the cyber security unit in Seoul police. She presented the evidence regarding the scam and confirmed that legal actions will be taken against the woman in question, as well as everyone else who tried to harm their artist with malicious intentions.
While the identity of the woman was not released to the press, the detail provided as proof did shed some light over it and the fans of Mr Kim Taehyung had already started to connect the dots and make speculations.
Although the agency released a subsequent statement, asking the fans to remain calm and let the authorities to handle things legally, it seemed like some are pretty upset over this whole incident.
Guess Miss C will have to learn the hard way about what happens when you mess with nation's favourite.
Stay tuned for more details, as we will bring you the update of the legal proceedings."
Jimin threw away the phone onto the sofa, as he finished reading the article out loud. "Well, guess that's that then."
Taehyung scoffed. "Of course not. She's just a pawn. The person behind this is the one we need to expose."
"Definitely." Jimin gave a nod. "Which is why Nayeon suggested having such a public approach on this part. She wanted to show that we were focusing all of our attention on this only."
"How are things on that front? Any update?"
"Actually, there's something I wanted to tell you. One of the investigators called me yesterday. They weren't able to find any connections with you or Jungkook. But there's a lead regarding Sana. It is too early to say where it would go but let's see, okay."
Taehyung stared at the painting on the wall, while many thoughts were wreaking havoc inside his head. After a few seconds of silence, he looked back at Jimin. "So it's truly her, huh?"
"Like they said, it's too early to tell. But-" Jimin sighed. "That's how it looks."
"I have half a mind to just go and ask her. I wanna know why she's doing this?" Taehyung's face scowled with distaste. "And I don't want Kookie to interact with her ever again. He was pretty shaken that day."
"Don't worry about him. Hobi hyung is literally staying glued to him. And he has his own bodyguards too. Nothing will happen to him." Jimin said in a reassuring tone but Taehyung just chuckled.
"Oh I'm not worried about him. I'm worried about her." Taehyung laughed again at the doubtful expression Jimin had on his face. "You have no idea how dangerous he can be, if he wanted to."
"Kookie?" Jimin scoffed in disbelief. "That baby?"
"That baby has a black belt in taekwondo. Once, when I was just starting out as an actor, a producer tried to act a bit funny with me. It was just a side role, barely any lines so I threw the script at his face and left. I mentioned it in passing to Jungkook, and do you wanna guess what that fool did?"
Jimin was quiet for a few seconds,as if he was still processing this information. "He.. uhh.. hit the guy?"
"Worse. Jungkook followed the guy for weeks, took videos of him having an affair and sent those to his wife. This guy was from a poor background, all his wealth was actually his wife's. So when she broke marriage, he was left in ruins."

Prettiest Lie - A Taekook Love Story.
FanfictionTaehyung and Jungkook had been in a relationship for the past 8 year. There's nothing that they love more than each other. But the rest of the world... just didn't knew that. "Are you seriously asking me to not react when you kiss someone else?!" "J...