46 - Did You Miss Me?

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"Oh my God! Is that Jungkook?!"

"The Jeon Jungkook?! No way!"

"No, look at that hand. I can recognise those tattoos anywhere. It is him!"

"No fucking way!!"

"Who do you think he's here for? Should we ask for an autograph?"

"Shhh… are you crazy?!  This is not a place to ask for an autograph. Let's just go."

"Yeah, right?"



"I wonder what he's in for. Whoever it is, I hope they get better soon"

Jungkook could hear the whispers and it wasn't the first time either. He actually thought his get-up was good enough to be discreet; black mask, big shades and a beige beanie that's covering almost all of his hair and forehead. He's wearing a long sleeved shirt too, although the tattoos on his fingers are visible. Maybe he should have brought a pair of gloves too.

He glanced around. There weren't many people in the corridor primarily leading up to the operation theaters and even the few ones that were there, were too distraught to pay him any attention. Exactly like he is. It was only the occasional visitors or people passing through for other businesses that gave him any attention.

Taehyung had been in surgery for over 3 hours now. He was taken in as soon as the helicopter landed at the hospital, with a team of best surgeons available. Seokjin was up in the viewing room, as he's not part of the surgical team. Jungkook doesn't really know whether he wanted to be up there too. On one hand, he didn't want to let Taehyung out of his sight for even a single second. But on the other hand, he didn't know whether he could bear to see the love of his life, unconscious on a table while a set of doctors worked on him. The mere thought of it was making him hard to breathe and his chest to compress.

Jungkook glanced to the side, when he noticed someone sitting on the chair next to him.

"How long has it been?"

Jungkook looked up at the clock. "3 hours and 18 minutes."

Hoseok hummed in acknowledgement. "Did they say anything about his condition?"

Jungkook shook his head. Taehyung was wheeled straight in, with Seokjin closely following and no one had come out yet. Jungkook was sure he would have lost his mind by now, if not for the fact that Seokjin was there to keep an eye on things.

Jimin was there when they came and so was the CEO of Taehyung's company and a few other people. They should be somewhere in the hospital, probably talking to all the big-shots in the hospital to make sure Taehyung is getting the best treatments.

They had to wait for about another half an hour for the doors to be opened and the doctors to come out. If they were curious about Jungkook's presence, they didn't voice it. Nor did they talk with him and offer any information. Jungkook expected it. He's not family or a guardian of Taehyung; they are not entitled to tell him anything.

Seokjin had followed them out and after talking with the doctors, he came and flopped onto the chair on the other side of Jungkook.

"It went well." Seokjin ran his hands over his face a few times, before fully covering it with his palms. "He's gonna be okay."

Jungkook let out a breath that he hadn't noticed he was holding. The tightness in his chest loosened a bit but not fully. He would have to see from his own eyes that Taehyung is indeed okay to completely relax.

Suddenly, there was a sound of muffled deep breaths and Jungkook turned to the side again to see Seokjin's shoulders visibly shaking. The man was trying so hard not to let any sound come out. Or break down.

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