The fight

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Taken aback, I broke the eye contact.

"U-umm-" he stuttered looking down.

"Thank you for saving me Lu-rin-ah..." he said in such a deep voice that made me start thinking I could faint right then and there.

I beamed warmly, "Haha it's nothing!" I looked up as my eyes travelled to the clock hanging on the white wall just above his head. "Oh my!!! It's 10 minutes before the bell and I haven't even eaten anything yet!!" I inwardly cursed as the image of me looking like a zombie emerged in my overly-imaginative head due to starvation.

"Ermm.. I need to go Chanyeol. You just rest there for a while, bye!" Standing up, I was about to leave when I felt him hold my wrist. I turned around meeting his eyes with a questioning look.

"Umm where are you going?" he asked while rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

"Canteen why?"

He looked up to me and said "Can i come?"

"Are you sure? Just tell me what you want to eat and I'll hand it to you" I said eyeing the bandages the nurse placed on him.

He shook his head, "I'm fine, it isn't the first time. I can manage, so let's go before the bell rings!" he smiled as he starts pulling me outside the clinic and made our way to the canteen. After finding an empty table to share, we started chatting as we eat.

"Chanyeol... I know you can deal with those guys. Why not fight back? Don't let them treat you like trash okay?" I said as I calmly ate my food. He smiled and nodded at me unaware of the fact that I'm practically melting inside.

We started talking about things we find common with each other and as soon as we expected it, the bell rang signalling the end of our break. We quickly went to our classroom and from that moment on, we spent more and more time together and eventually became bestfriends.

~ A month later~

Me and Chanyeol became bestfriends, and with it comes the responsibility of helping him groom himself so that he won't be bullied any more. Thus, the past few weeks had been spent teaching him some self-defense, replace his glasses with contacts, and of course- how to do his somewhat unkempt hair etc etc.

As time goes by, I taught Chanyeol the ways of popularity which managed to earn him many friends even signing up for basketball try-out's where he managed to pass and became the team's ace. Before I know it, the old bullied Chanyeol was gone and was replaced by a person adored by a lot of people... and little by little, he himself also started to change.

"Channie are we still ok?" I asked him while sitting under the tree where we mostly hung out.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" he said turning to look at me. He sound irritated with my question... I can't help but want the old Chanyeol back...

"I-I noticed you started to change these past few days and we haven't spent time together for a while..." He sat up and looked at me.

"Change?! Ridiculous Lu-rin I did not change ok?! We always hang out together you know?! What do you want me to do? Follow you around like a little puppy and let you protect me like a little kid who lost his mom? You know I'm sick and tired of you treating me like shit! I've been PATIENT with you so stop complaining will YAH?!" I was speechless. "H-he thinks that way after all the help I've given to him?" I swallowed the growing lump on my throat. Not only that but what hurts the most is that it is him who is uttering those harsh words. "Did he even have to yell at me like that..?" I closed my eyes as tears threatened to spill but failing as a tear managed to streak down my cheek.

Finally mustering the strength to look at him I said, " Haha 'patient' you say? You don't know how long I've been patient Chanyeol. I never even asked you to repay me and these past few days, yes, we do hangout by walking at the hallway together but that was until your varsity friends (EXO) showed up and called you over. After that, you just left me just like that without even saying goodbye... like I wasn't even there and when I talk to you, you're always busy listening in your earphones not caring what I was saying... I was calm and I even tried to understand you Chanyeol!! Okay I'm sorry if I made you feel helpless, but what I can only tell you is that I miss the Chanyeol with the glasses not the new Chanyeol that I'm looking at right now. I realize I turned you into someone else you're not... I'm sorry, it's my fault that I changed you. I thought I changed you for the better but I changed you for the worst. If i'm such a burden to you I'll just stay away from you so as not to infiltrate your breathing space and so that you won't have to complain about me bugging you around anymore. Thank you for being my bestfriend Channie, I hope you'll be happy with me gone..." I force a smile as I stand up and walking away stiffling down my tears. "Chanyeol, I'm really sorry.."

~Chanyeol's POV~

She's such a cry baby i'm not the one who changed if she's done with her drama she'll come talk to me tommorow. I'll just leave her alone for a while.

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Glasses [Chanyeol fanfic] [COMPLETED] #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now