Love is Knowing When to Say Sorry

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I awoke the next day with a pounding headache. Memories of the previous day slowly returned to me, each one like a knife to my already painful chest. I remembered everything.

To my surprise, Dedede didn't throw me out. Not because he didn't want to, but because he needed me more than ever now that Escargoon was leaving. News was spreading through the castle like wildfire that the snail had given the King his notice that very morning. He was leaving Dream Land and moving back with his mother in the far away countryside.

"It's rather sudden, isn't it?" Sir Ebrum sighed, pouring himself a cup of tea. "Goodness me, where are my manners? Would you care for some tea, Erika?"

"No thank you, Sir Ebrum." I sadly sank further down into their sofa.

Tiff sat close to me, trying to be sympathetic. "You two were always pretty close. It's gonna be pretty different around here when Escargoon is gone."

Even Kirby gave a sad 'poyo'.

"I say good riddance," Tuff interjected, munching a cookie. "That guy's a creep."

"Tuff!" Tiff scolded. "You could at least try to be sympathetic to Erika's feelings."

I didn't blame him. Not long ago I likely would have shared the same sentiments, and I knew Tiff felt the same way as her brother, even if she wouldn't say it out loud in front of me.

I knew who would feel the same sadness as me though. But I didn't know if he would be willing to show it openly.

Later in the afternoon I found King Dedede out on the balcony, staring listlessly into the distance. I stepped out into the open air, standing side by side with the King in solemn silence, gazing into the grassy garden below where Tuff and Kirby were kicking a ball around the fountain. I watched in envy, longing to be like them. I missed being a child with no cares in the world, when the only thing you have to worry about is what time you have to be home for dinner.

"I guess it's just you and me from now on," Dedede finally spoke up, wistfully gazing out across the wall into the distance.

"Your Majesty..." I reached up to place a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. He didn't shake me off this time. "I'm gonna miss him too."

"Why he leavin' anyhow? I always thought he was happy here," the King whimpered. "Erika, you'd tell me if if was my fault he's leavin', wouldn't ya?"

"It isn't your fault, Sire. I promise."

"Ain't there nothin' I can do to make him stay?"

I had never seen Dedede this upset. He sounded as if he would burst into tears at any moment, and not the usual tears of frustration he'd shed after a failed plot against Kirby. He sounded truly heartbroken.

For the first time ever, I felt a bond with King Dedede, as if our shared sorrow was bringing us closer together. I found myself wanting to help him, even if that meant putting aside my own stubborn pride.

"Erika," he choked, turning to me with pleading eyes. "Can't you talk to him or somethin'? I don't wanna lose my Goonie."

Goonie. I had never heard Dedede use a pet name before, and it pulled at my heartstrings hard. Tears were beginning to spill down his cheeks, dripping from his beak. I realised just how much he really, truly cared for Escargoon.

I nodded firmly. "OK, Sire. I'll talk to him."

"You will?" The penguin suddenly wrapped his arms around me and lifted me clear off the ground for the tightest hug I've ever received. "You're the best, Erika!"

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