Part I. The morning.

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As I open my eyes the sun peeks through the small crack in the blinds and directly onto my face. I squint as I reach for my alarm that's blaring at me telling me it's time to get on with the day. After a few missed taps I finally get the alarm turned off as I sit up with a sigh not quite ready to have to get out of bed, but knowing I have things to get done, I stand up and head to the kitchen where I quickly make a cup of tea and down it a little too fast needing the little bit of energy it'll supply me with. I check my phone to see a text from some of my friends asking if I'd like to hang out later today once we're all off work. I quickly shoot back the message "sure why not. when and where?" after a moment of just staring at the screen slightly spaced out, my phone dings and snaps me back to reality. Kendall is who replies to my question with "my house around 3:30?" I answer with "sounds good" and move on my way to get ready for my job as, you guessed it, a crime scene investigator. It can be a pretty rough job, but overall I enjoy it.

I get ready in my usual attire and grab a bag I've filled with a change of clothes for later and I head out the door at exactly 8:00am. Surprisingly the work day goes by pretty quick and before I know it it's 3:00pm and time to clock out. I click the power button on my computer that I had spent most the time at trying to solve a case using the little bit of evidence we have to a recent break in. Not much progress was made on it today, but there's always tomorrow I suppose..

I walk to the restroom and quickly change my clothes into something more casual then clock out and head to my car. I get into my car and start it up then head to Kendall's house where I'll be meeting her, Jackson, and Lynx. Knowing that if I went straight there I would get there too early, I stop by a local coffee shop and get us all some iced coffees to enjoy. now that I've done that I can head to Kendall's house and get there right on time and maybe even still a few minutes early.

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