Part IX. Kendall's day.

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TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2022. 7:55AM.

Kendall's POV.

As I walk out my door I see Katherine backing out of the driveway and a little piece of me panics being alone after what happened last night and seeing the spray paint on the wall. I try to hurry and lock my door so I can run to my car and lock myself in it to feel a bit of security. Once I'm safely in my car I let out a sigh of relief and I start my car and head to work. I get there and go into my office which is separated from everyone else's silently celebrating getting into my office without being stopped by anyone. I sit down at my desk and power on my computer and take a look at the files for cases i had been working on and sigh. After a minute of debating with myself I know that the only case I want to work on right now is the little toddler and Lynx's. I step out of my office to ask the chief investigator if I can have the files with evidence of what has happened so far with the cases and after some hesitation she agrees. I get the files and take them to my office and get to work immediately. I work through the little girls case for a few hours at this point trying to avoid working on Lynx's even though I asked for it. I finally get myself to pull up Lynx's file and I see that quite a bit has already been done on it which was fine with me. As I'm reading through what work has been done on his case so far it hits me again that he was one of my best friends and that this isn't a joke, it's real. I sit back in my chair as the picture of Lynx that's in the file that I'm assuming they got off social media or from a family member, stares at me and I get filled with an indescribable anger towards whoever did this to him. I turn that anger into determination and I get to work on the case.

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