Chapter 2

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Ah, McDeebles. Ron loved this place so much. It was the source of all his food related comforts. And the place with killer French fries.
He stood outside of the establishment, debating on if he should actually go in or not. He did already text his father, letting him know he was taking this detour.. so he supposed he probably should stick with his word. Despite how weird it felt to go in here alone.
He'd usually go here with his friends. It was their typical hang-out spot. Just hanging out at a booth, doing homework and chatting while sharing a 20 pc nugget box and some fries. Obviously those days, hopefully just for now, were gone.

Ron walked inside, with that weird feeling of being alone only amplifying as he entered. It was quieter than he was used to. Sure there was still the chatter of other people who would come here to eat. But..
Not the chatter of his people.
Maybe that's what put him on edge so much. Ron shook his head, trying to stop himself from thinking too hard about it as he walked up to the counter.

"Hey, kid" Garcello, the typical cashier working around this time, gave a friendly smile to Ron.

"Hey, Garcello.."

"You doin' okay?"

Garcello knew about the disappearances. Not only from the fact that Ron's friend group had seemed to get smaller and smaller as the past two weeks went on, but also from the missing posters that had been put up as those kids were deemed 'missing'. Not to mention he and Ron's dad had talked about it a few times. Garc was a close family friend. Of course he'd be told.

"Eh. I won't lie to you, not really.... i don't really wanna get into it right now."

These disappearances had also clearly effected Ron a lot. After all why wouldn't they? They're his friends. People he truly cared about.

"Right, I won't make you talk about it. But if ya want, my breaks coming up in a few. I'll be here to talk to about.. really anything else.

But in the meantime, what can I getcha?"

Ron looked over the menu for a moment...

"6 piece nugget with a medium drink?"


The money was given, as Ron waited for his order. Being that this was a fast food establishment, he didn't have to wait too long for his meal. And before long he was sitting at a booth.

Garcello, having begun his break, soon came by and stood by the booth.

"You don't mind, right?" He asked, not wanting to overstep any boundaries.

"Go ahead." Ron nodded, "Honestly would beat being alone right now."

"Where's that Bob friend of yours anyway?" He sat in the seat across from Ron as he asked.

"Probably went home early or something.. he mentioned having an appointment tomorrow so maybe he's getting ready for that?"


An awkward silence filled the air between them, as Ron ate his food... at least, until he spoke up again.

"So what's the deal with you and my dad anyway?"

Garcello seemed quite surprised that Ron was asking this. "..Whaddya mean-"

"I know those looks you give eachother." Ron allowed himself to smile. A silly goofy one even. "What, are you two childhood friends or something?" He would've asked about something more than that... but nah. He's not about to jinx anything he's suspecting.

"..y- yeah!" Garcello nervously chuckled, relieved that Ron didn't seem to realize what kind of hints he was trying to send towards Leonard.
"We've been friends for a looooong time. Since before he adopted you and Renory. Lemme tell ya, kid. He, Annie, and I? Unstoppable Trio. You outta ask him about it sometime."

"Cool! I knew dad was pretty cool on his own, but knowing he was in a group of equally cool peopld??people??? Awesome."

Ron ate the last of his nuggets, getting out of the booth to throw away his trash.

"Sorry I can't stick around for long. I probably should get home. Dad's been pretty worried since ... you know started happening.. but thanks for being here, man."

"Hey, anytime. Tell your dad I said hey, will ya?"

"Will do. Seeya Garc'!"

With that, Ron left the McDeebles. Garcello let out a sigh of relief, thankful thar Ron didn't seem to realize he was crushing on his dad. He really didn't wanna bring that up with him.

Ron did in fact know. But he's not gonna make Garcello talk about it. He's gonna let things play out. He just kinda wishes he still had his friends here to talk about it with. By now they probably would've come up with some goofy idea on how to set them up. But. As Ron knew very well, this wasn't gonna he the case.

Oh well. At least he was distracted for a moment.

Meanwhile, back in Parksville High, one teacher was still there, grading today's tests. Mister Dave Algebra Class. Dave's name was oddly fitting for his occupation as an algebra teacher. But at the same time, it was almost like fate. He was the best one in the department. His students loved him, and he loved teaching them.
He sat in his classroom with the tests, with the only light that was turned on being the lamp by his desk. It tended to set a relaxing mood for grading. As he graded, he began to wonder where Bob was.. didn't he offer to help him prepare for tomorrow? He didn't mind if Bob suddenly couldn't, but usually they'd let him know.

"Maybe he didn't get the chance.." Dave muttered to himself, filling the silence in his classroom.
He just had a few more tests to grade before he could go home to his lovely family. His husband, Bambi and his son, Tristan. He couldn't ask for any more than that. He gave a quick glance to the family photo with them all and smiled, before getting right back to grading.
Suddenly, he heard the door creak open. And footsteps entering.

"Oh, Bob!" Dave said, as he turned his wheelchair around, "I was beginning to wonder when..."

His words drifted off, as he saw... nobody. No sign of anyone at all. The door was open now, yes, but it seemed like the only person in the room was Dave. No matter where he looked, all he saw was the same, empty classroom.

"'d be here." He mumbled the rest of his sentence. Maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Maybe he just left the door open by accident.

He went back to grading, allowing such an assumption to be what made him ignore this weirdness. Until suddenly, the door slammed shut.

"Okay-" Dave said, clearly trying to hide how annoyed he was getting, "Who's trying to prank me? Come on. Make yourself known."

Aas he turned back towards the door, the lamp suddenly shut off, leaving Dave in complete darkness... it was moments like this that made Dave wish that his classroom had a window.

"And now you're messing with my lamp, very funny!" He gave a sarcastic laugh, as he felt around the desk for his smartphone. Unknowing of what was behind him....

Until it grabbed him by his shoulder.

Before Dave could turn around and confront whoever the owner of the hand that grabbed him was, he passed out. And vanished.

The mysterious being was what remained, with no witnesses to question them. They glanced over at the keys left on the desk. The master keys to the school.

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