Chapter 3

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Friday and the weekend came and passed. And yet another disappearance had occurred during this time. Mister Algebra Class.
Upon finding this out, Ron's worry only grew. That Friday was a day he needed Bob more than ever. But if course he wasn't there. Over the weekend, Ron couldn't help but worry about what these disappearances have in common.. but now? It was Monday morning. He had to go to the school to meet up with Bob. Just as he was about to open the door and leave however..


A voice emitted from behind Ron. His father.

"Kid, are you sure you wanna go there this early..?" Leonard Manfred said with a yawn, "Yknow, with.. everything?"

Ron turned around to face his father. "I'll be careful! Besides, it'd just gonna be me and Bob. Who'd be crazy enough to be at school that early?"

Leonard gave Ron a very specific kind of look.

"...mypointis- I'll be okay, Dad." He pulled his shorter Dad into a hug, "I promise."

"You better" He smiled, ruffling his sons hair in a silly manner. "I can't go losing you too!"

"Yeaah. Seeya later!"

He turned back around, finally leaving. Leonard watched him as he walked away from the house... feeling like something was wrong. Maybe he just needed to go back to sleep.

"Alright Bob, I'm here! " Ron announced as he stood in front of the school. He looked around for his short, white haired friend.. but it seemed like he was the only one here.

"Huh.." He spoke to himself, "I thought they'd meet me out here.."

He went ahead and walked up the stairs to the entrance as he continued talking to himself, "Theres no way he could've just stood me up. They couldn't have planned this just to mess with me... especially not with everything going on."

Upon reaching the entrance, he finally noticed something on the door. A note! From Bob! Ron took the note off the door to read.

"Hey Ron!
I got a teacher to unlock the door for us. Come on in!!!!
-Bob :)"

Ron couldn't help but smile. Whatever Bob had planning, it must've been too cool to have outside waiting.

"Alright, Bob," Ron continued his new habit of talking when no one was around, "Whatever you wanna show me HAS to be super cool!"

He opened the door, expecting Bob to be just behind it. But upon entering the dimly lit school and looking out into the lobby leading into the cafeteria... he was only met with silence. Ron continued walking forward, expecting Bob to potentially hear him and realize he was here. If his talking didn't already give that away...
But upon making it to the center of the cafeteria, which felt eerily empty from the lack of people or tables, there was nobody.

"AYO BOB!!!" Ron shouted out. Maybe he was in another part of the building? "IM READY FOR THE COOL THING!!! Where are you???"

He continued looking around for Bob. He couldn't have been early, could he? After all, the note was there. By now it was just 15 minutes past 5. And Bob certainly couldn't have forgotten..

Suddenly he heard a noise from behind him, prompting the brown-haired one to turn around sharply. Nothing was there... at least, nothing but another sticky note. How'd he manage to miss that? He walked over and picked the note up.

{A/N: to those who can't see the symbol, basically its just a neater ':)'. Hope that helps!}◇

Seemingly right after looking at ybis note, Ron noticed a trail of notes leading upstairs. All of which seemed to have the same smiley face drawn on them.

"What's his deal with sticky notes..." Ron asked himself. He knew he wouldn't get an answer to that. Not anytime soon.
He continued following the stickynotes upstairs, with the amount increasing the farther he got. Was this what Bob was busy with? Defacing the school with sticky notes all day? Ron had to admit, if that were the case, Bob had some mad perseverance.
Soon he was lead to the English hall. A significant increase of stickynotes scattered the hall, now all having arrows drawn on them. All leading go the last classroom of the hall. As Ron walked down the hall... he couldn't help but wonder why Bob was sending him on this weird hunt thing. While also constantly getting a weird feeling.. was this hallway usually this much darker? No. Of course it was gonna be darker. Bob didn't turn on all the school lights. Not to mention this was a part of the school with no windows..
Whatever. He didn't need his mind on that scaring him. Besides...
He soon found himself standing in front of the classroom. Stickynotes covered every part of the door except for the handle. Even the nameplate for what teacher usually teaches here was covered up.

"This must be it."

Ron opened the door to a dark room. He tried the switch, but that didn't help at all. Maybe the teacher who usually used this room just didn't realize their lights went out. Or it was just that this part of the school wasn't turned on. Eh, Ron didn't care to know.
He carefully stepped inside, leaving the door wide open to provide at least some form of light.
He hated the dark after all.
"Bob..? Are you trying to scare me or sometning?" Ron asked out loud as he slowly stepped further into the room, "b-because it's totally not working...."

Ron continued in. From the looks of things, Ron was the only one in here. This was beginning to be kind of annoying.

"Look- I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here, but this isn't cool OR funny! Stop tryna joke around.."

Ron looked around, before he caught glance of.. something. Whatever it was, it had large realistic eyes and blended in with the darkness. So well in fact, that it vanished into the darkness. It certainly didn't look human, which is what put Ron on edge.

he was interrupted by the feeling of something passing behind him, along with the shutting of the door, causing him to turn around.

"...NOPE. I-Im really not in any mood to be pranked, Bob. You're not helping at all."

Ron began walking backwards carefully, until he felt the door. "I appreciate the 'effort' or whatever, but all you're doing is scaring me. Scaring the worry out of me just won't work!

Now if you excuse me.."

Ron tried turning the handle, but it wouldn't budge. He tried again. Nothing.

"Oh come on-" Ron growled. This was getting ridiculous. "Now you're locking me in???"

Ron braced himself for impact, as he began slamming his body against the door.



Ron yelled. He wasn't typically one to yell like this, but he was getting pretty mad. He kept hitting the door, but there was no sign of Bob even being on the other side. Even while peeking through the window.

...surely they didn't leave him here.. right?

Ron soon heard another noise. Something on the desk falling onto the carpet floor. Hearing this made Ron hit the door at a more vigorous pace.

Ron's hands hurt like hell, but he had to get out of here one way or another!

Ron suddenly paused. Something had rested on his shoulder. And soon after, something also covered his mouth. Preventing him from screaming. Before he could try anyway, he felt himself being pulled backwards, as everything managed to go darker, and he blacked out.

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