Chapter 10

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For being here as long as he has been, Ron sure didn't know his way around this place. Who could blame him? Bob's world seemed like a weird hodgepodge of all sorts of locations.
From that field he woke up in, to the forest he tried hiding from Bob in.. and now to here.
After walking for about an hour or so, Ron and Leonard found themselves someplace completely different than the more natural scenery they had been in. The sky had faded from the dreary and cloud-filled purplish blue, to a brighter blue. There were buildings. Of which all looked to be all glass-paned. A lot of which were shattered. Likely from the rocks, of which many piles of rock proved to be evidence for.

"How the fuck is there a whole damn city in here?!!" Leonard exclaimed, projecting his voice a lot louder than intended, as evident from Ron's flinching response. He was right on his shoulder, and despite his head being a folder and not having any visible ears, his father was still quite loud.

"I.. I can't even think of a reason." Ron replied as he cautiously walked forward to get a closer look at the assumed rockslide's damages. From the looks of things and the lack of bodies...
"I don't think it was recent though.."

"You'd be right."

Ron whipped around immediately upon hearing the sudden unfamiliar voice.

Only to find no one. In every direction he looked.

"You heard that too, I guess?" Leonard asked, with a tinge of concern in his voice.

"Yeah.." He continued looking around him. Behind, in front, beside on both sides, above, below..
No one.

"Shit, are there ghosts here?!"

"No lol you're just BLIND!!!"  The voice rang out again. Leonard already had enough of this bull, and climbed Ron's head. Ron shuttered in response. It felt... beyond weird for someone to literally be in his head.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!!" He screamed, while Ron covered where his ears would typically be for impact.

The source of the voice giggled in response, "tiny and loud??? Wow, that's adorable."

"I'LL SHOW YOU ADORABLE MOTHER FUCKER-" Leonard jumped out of Ron's head and followed the source of the voice. Ron took a couple of seconds to get over what just happened and followed.

"Wrong way, bucko!" The voice came from another direction, followed by more giggling in yet another direction. Leonard only got more annoyed by this, causing him to scream more.
Ron meanwhile was doing his best to keep his father's voice from making his ears bleed. He's never seen him so pissed off before..  he looked around, uncuffing the sides of his head as he noticed something odd in a window in one of the buildings.
A black figure with a white bandanna.

The folder was instantly struck with fear, as he backed away from the direction he saw the figure.

"Oh." The voice emitted, "Well someone spotted me after all. Nice."

The figure slid closer to the edge of the window, seemingly to get a closer look at the one of spotted her. Leonard, was running to his son's side.

"Oh hell nah, I'm not letting you do that to my son again, BOB."

The figure paused, tilting her head to the side, and leaping out from the window. Thankfully this was not a very high window. Or else this would have likely seemed very bad.

"Bob? You met them?"

As the figure drew closer, she appeared to.. be very similar to Bob. In appearance for the most part at least.  She had a black complexion with white eyes, as well as a forked tail, of which was resting on the floor behind her while moving ever so subtly.

Ron looked at the blob with caution, "Uh... yeah?? Who are you???"

"are you gonna try killing us too-?"

"Wha- is that what he's doing?? Oh my god-" she groaned, shaking her head as she looked at the ground in annoyance.

"What, did Bob also kidnap you two and bring you in here??"

"Yeah." Leonard replied with bitterness, "fuckin did this shit to us too!"
He waved his arms at himself and Ron, while refusing to break eye contact with this... thing.

"And kidnapped my friends. And tortured me for I don't know how long. And left me impaled for who knows how long, a--"

"OK okay yeah I get it- I get it." She was silent for a moment, "I'm Opheebop. And I want to help you two get out of here."

Leonard glared at Opheebop in mild disgust, "You think we're trustin' you just like that? After you decided to toy with us like that? Are you serious??"

"Look, I was messing with you because I was bored! I've been here since before Bob started doing what he's been doing. I've seen him take people here just to chase them around and torture them."

"What" Ron stared at Opheebop with a look of confusion.

"He's my ex."

"Bob got bitches-?"

Leonard burst out laughing at Rons comment, causing him to crack up as well. While Opheebop scowled at what she assumed was an insult,
"I-" she stammered, "I'm not a bitch!!" She frowned as the two boys laughed.

"Its a figure of speech-" Leonard slowly ceased his laughter, "but I'm gonna be honest I wouldn't disagree."

Opheebop huffed in response, as she shook her head. "You humans are so weird with your figures of speech I swear to god"

"You weren't human before all of this??" Ron asked

Suddenly, a set of horns grew out from the black blob's head as she giggled, "Did Bob being my ex not suggest that??? Or even my tail? Come on I know you humans know what Demon tails look like at the very least."

Ron's mouth was agape with surprise, while Leonard sighed, rubbing the temples of his forehead. "Why am I not surprised..."

After a moment of awkward silence between the three, Ron had a question. "So why were you and Bob a thing in the first place?"

"Sheesh, you two still haven't told me your names and you're already asking me about my past with someone! Kinda weird, man.." Ophee would've crossed her arms in disapproval.... if she had arms in this form.

"Riight.." Now knowing Opheebop is a Demon, Ron almost didn't want to tell her his and his dad's names, fore fear that she may use them somehow for evil. The key word being almost. Opheebop certainly seemed nicer than Bob.
"I'm Ron, the little guy here is my dad, Leonard."

Leonard gave a disapproving look at Ron, to which Ron shrugged in response.

"Can I call you Lenny?" Ophee smiled.

"Absolutely-the-fuck not"

"Hehehe you're funny Lenny"

">:(" Leonard managed to say put loud without much questioning.

Opheebop, without even the slightest of warning, soon began trying to climb Ron.  Ron screamed as he tried shaking Opheebop off. "GETOFFGETOFFGETOFFGETOFF-"



"OH yeah! Hey Ron can I hitch a ri--"

"NO!" He interrupted her.

"Welllll sorry too bad." she winked and stuck out her tongue, which was just as white as any other facial feature she had. Ron groaned in defeat.

"The moment you fuckin try to do anything to my son, I am going to bite you." Leonard couldn't exactly punt the Demon at this height. Biting was his best option. Opheebop chuckled at the thought of this little man trying to bite her.
Soon afterward, they were off again. With Leonard riding in Ron's head, and Opheebop on his shoulder. Ron didn't really approve of being the one carrying everyone, but much like his appearance and situation, he's just going to have to deal with it.

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