A Beginning to an End

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Y/n was happy, loving her job as being apart of the Air Force and living with her family, but that was before they came.

Pollution and overpopulation was their problem and they ignored them, Y/n was also to blame she admits shamefully.

But from her shame became hatred and fear from the monsters, but one harbored the most hatred from Y/n.


He effortlessly destroyed city after city along with other monsters, the population quickly started to dwindle with each battle, and alongside most of her family.

She tried as hard as she could, pushing herself to the brink of near death, and it was probably the reason why she was picked by an alien race so she could be the pilot of their promised weapon in exchange to live alongside the humans, Mechagodzilla.

Mechagodzilla's code was only loyal to the main goals, to destroy Godzilla and to protect the pilot.

But before Y/n began to make her way to the giant robot, red lights flooded the room, and she was escorted out of there.

And she watched as Godzilla approached and destroyed the facility and the code was lost forever, or that's what it seemed to Y/n.

Y/n was soon in a ship and it left quickly after people saw Godzilla and scrambled into the entrance.

It was pure hell those twenty years, low supplies, the sick dying, and the population, in total with the alien races, were now 4,000 people inside the mothership.

And now Y/n was 39 and apart of the Central Committee, but despite her high position and not being in combat, she still trained everyday and learned the language of bilusaludo since the race made the Mechagodzilla in the first place.

Now she hears of a spunky soldier arrested and awaited execution.

"Don't we have such low numbers? Why the waste of a life?" Said Y/n as she leaned against the wall refusing to take a seat like the other central committee members.

"As you know Ms. L/n HE is the one that committed a crime and he must pay." Said Captain Mori.

"But he was right in a way, our food is depleting, and we must make plans if we are to go to scenario 3, returning to earth." Said Y/n as she put up the screen.

Dolu-Do, representative of the Bilusaludo, scoffed at the idea but Captain Hamamoto sighed at it.

Metphies and Endurph, the Exif people, were silent.


Y/n looked at the space, her e/c irises had doses of homesickness of her planet and how many loved ones she lost along the way in such a short time.

Y/n grabbed onto the metal ladders and climbed up reaching a small platform where she could she the the stars.

"I had assumed you would be here Y/n." Said Belu-be, a friend to Y/n but Belu-be sees the friendship as working relationship rather friendship.

"Really? I thought you would be the least concerned of my well being Belu-be, seeing how our 'relationship' is strictly seen as work." Said Y/n, Belu-be nodded.

"I am only here because the committee is starting to go back to the Earth, and seeing how I am close to you, they sent me to retrieve you to help with planning." Said Belu-be.

"Fine, but I'll get you to admit our friendship." Said Y/n before jumping off the platform and grabbing one of the bars and jump the rest of the way down.


"But you are a valued member apart of the committee, you have to stay in order to-!!" Said Mamamoto before Y/n cut him off.

"My decision is final, besides I wanna see the earth for myself, if I find a suitable place for all then you will deploy half more of the inhabitants of this ship." Said Y/n before she went off.

"Don't bother trying, Y/n is stubborn, she has been ever since she lost almost everything..." Said Captain Mori as Y/n walked off.

Y/n being apart of the mission was a moment of awe, you could say she was excited.


"Hmm...... a scratch mark?" Murmured Y/n as Galu-gu approached looking a little suspicious of the scratch mark.

"I won't be surprised if one of those monsters produced tiny monsters, just saying, we have been gone for 10,000 years." Said Y/n.

"You may be right Lieutenant L/n, we should keep our guard up just in case." Said Galu-gu, Y/n hummed before walking off to help with basic needs.


"What you mean we are marching around like a parade?" Said Galu-gu, Y/n only sighed at it.

"And to think that we put all this trouble to create this weapon." Said Galu-gu.

"It certainly is a waste of materials, but we could find more powerful materials here." Said Y/n.


Godzilla..... That bastard.... THAT BASTARD!!!!!

Y/n just wanted to kill him off and tear off his head, but now Leland was dead to get the new information and now Metphies gave his new position to Haruo.

And now Y/n was placed as diversion. And she was having the time of her life.

"Y/n! Don't act irresponsible!" Said Belu-be.

"I'm having the time of my life! So don't try ruining this for me! What are you my friend? Hah!" Said Y/n as Belu-be gritted his teeth at Y/n as she turned off her Avian scout and descended from the skies only to turn it on and shoot Godzilla in a barrage of bullets.

Y/n looked over to see those flying creatures and began to shoot at them, causing the pack to go after her but she made a multiple dodges like she was back in her battles 20 years ago fighting off Godzilla.

Soon enough Y/n fell from her Scout and saw Godzilla letting out a roar and she heard Belu-be yelling.

But now Y/n was caught by a Servum's claws, she felt it trying to squeeze the life out of her but she used a laser on the leg, making the creature drop her.

Y/n held onto a branch as she quickly descended, and she carefully let herself fell to branch to branch until she was on the ground.

Y/n looked up to the sky before being hit by an object.

Y/n looked to see a petite girl with markings and a glare, before she lay down and accepted her fate.

But the girl had other plans and began to drag Y/n away.

His Pilot (Yan! Mechagodzilla x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now