Why this?

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TW: Gore

"Well damn, Yuko is having a rough time." Said Y/n as she looked at one of the drones.

"Nanometal seemed to be acting as life support but she is brain dead." Said Mechagodzilla.

"Hmp, sakaki seems to be having a hard time with the crew and they are now believing in the Exif's god." Laughed Y/n, if she had told them she was still alive they would've abandoned the religion.

"They seem to believe that the hotua's treatments are in fact a miracle, But the material's inside the tribes medication is the actual factor." Said Mechagodzilla.


"What's going on?!" Said Y/n as she saw the whole ship, Mechagodzilla created nanometal veins to grab out and get the ship, dragging them down.

"Y/n!!!! We need to discuss something important and privately!!" Yelled Dolu-do as all of the bilusaludo joined him holding guns.

"Y/n! Do not agree to his request!" Said Captain Hamamoto.

Y/n was confused but she assumed the worst thing was sakaki being out of control and Dolu-do yelling at her why she didn't punish him for such a rebellious and foolish action.

"Can you not for a moment? You might awaken the servum." Said Y/n as a human sized door opened to reveal a whole city with transparent type of crystal and structures with lights.

The whole population quickly went inside too fearful of the outside world and the situation, and Y/n ushered the leaders inside the giant building that seemed to be more detailed and beautifully than the others.

"So let me get this straight, you want to kill Sakaki for not wanting to give up his humanity?" Said Y/n, Dolu-do nodded.

"As you are one of the most reasonable earthling, you can understand the frustration Me and the rest of the other bilusaludos feel when Sakaki almost destroyed the nanometal!" Said Dolu-do.

"PREPOSTEROUS!! Nanometal is a poison and you know it! It was never the ultimate weapon only for Godzilla, it was also meant to destroy humanity!!" Yelled Hamamoto.

Y/n heard soft clicking suddenly stopping, Y/n paused, nanometal..... was meant to be the bilusaludo's takeover weapon? Did Mechagodzilla know this? All this time...?

"Nonetheless because of humanity we are back to square 1!!! Y/n agree with me on this! Without nanometal you wouldn't have defeated one of Godzilla's greatest allies and killed it!!" Said Dolu-do.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!!! I suggest we talk about this tomorrow, for now, I will do everything in my power to destroy all monsters and keep this world from shriveling up from all of y'all's bickering!!!" Said Y/n, they were quiet, Dolu-do didn't look away from Y/n.


"My pilot, is something about the meeting bothering you, I have plenty of methods to help you get your mind off of it-" Said Mechagodzilla as Y/n took off her stuffy outside space shirt.

"Did you knew?" Asked Y/n, Mechagodzilla didn't answer.

"Mechagodzilla did you knew about Bilusaludo's plan to use you to take over the earth?" Said Y/n.

"Yes, they planted that order as soon as I defeated the king of the monsters, but that changed as I-" Said Mechagodzilla but he stopped suddenly when he noticed someone coming inside Y/n's room.

"How could you Dolu-do? I trusted you, your kind was promised a new home to live alongside humanity, why betray us? To colonize the planet and suck the life out of it?!" Said Y/n as her pupils shrank at the sight of the leader of the bilusaludo, he looked down at Y/n as she stood up and walked towards him.

"You never even heard the good part of it Y/n, your people would've experienced technological wealth! But when I first met you Y/n, you made a lasting impression, a feeling I ignored or tried to, but then I realized something, you were a perfect candidate for Mechagodzilla with your determination and your willingness, why not a perfect candidate for something else? Galu-gu never would've taught you our language, but he saw the opportunity for you to become something greater, greater for an earthling like the others!" Said Dolu-do, Y/n shivered as she felt her shoulders squeezed by Dolu-do's hands.

"And what was that opportunity? To be some sort of glorified betrayer?! Only to become a pet?!" Yelled Y/n, Dolu-do's face leaned in.

"No, you would've been in a higher power, but now since I see that your emotions are still going strong, it seems that I have to take a few extra steps. But no matter the Bilusaludo will be taking back their ultimate weapon." Said Dolu-do as he reached out to grab Y/n but Y/n dodged him and ran, only for him to grab Y/n's hair and pulled her down to the floor.

And she saw Dolu-do's fist clenched and a few seconds later she was knocked out.


Dolu-do stiffened when he felt a pierce through his chest Mechagodzilla growled at Dolu-do as he locked the entrance.

"Mechagodzilla? WHATS THE MEANING OF THIS?! You shouldn't be caring for an emotional earthling?!" Yelled Dolu-do, Mechagodzilla responded coldly.

"I believe that I should, since my order was to Protect the 'emotional earthling', You aren't in a position to direct orders any longer." Said Mechagodzilla as Dolu-do had a shocked look as more tentacles with sharp claws shoot out and began tearing flesh from the Bilusaludo as he screamed.

But he was lifted from the ground and was taken deeper into the building.

Y/n woke up and she quickly looked around her. Mechagodzilla asked her what's wrong.

"What's wrong my pilot?" Asked Mechagodzilla.

"You killed dolu-do, where is he?!" Said Y/n.

"I do not understand what you mean, Dolu- do has passed away due to an accident only a few minutes ago." Claimed Mechagodzilla.

"What?! But-!!" Said Y/n only for the door to open as a person quickly ran in.

"Commander Y/n! Dolu-do was found dead only a few minutes ago! Mori, Hamamoto, and Endurph are awaiting you!" Said a soldier.

Y/n looked surprised but she was quickly off to the meeting.


After the meeting Y/n grabbed a fistful of her hair as she looked paranoid at the footage of the monsters, at each of them, the spies were now numerous like ants ready to devour.

"Ready for the day that you killed off the titans?" Asked Mechagodzilla.

"Can't right now, the exif are getting on my nerves for the last time, I decide on eliminating them and their God or whatever the hell they communicate with that fucking crystal." Said Y/n.

Mechagodzilla paused, Y/n widened her eyes before speaking abruptly.

"I'm not killing them! -I'm just going to take and destroy their items after this then I'll decide whether to kick them from this planet or not." Said Y/n.

"I'll take care of preparing the plans my pilot, you deserve a break after the meeting, go ahead." Said Mechagodzilla, Y/n narrowed her eyes at a picture of Metphies before leaving.

Mechagodzilla growled softly as he saw live footage of Metphies seemingly looking at a Hotua girl, Mechagodzilla then directed his rage at Endurph who was talking to a Bilusaludo about controlling the city, but then the camera shut off after the exif and bilusaludo dying from a metal spike to the chest and vital organs.

His Pilot (Yan! Mechagodzilla x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now