Chapter 1: Tokyo

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I step out of the car and look at the house in front of me. My dad stepped out of the car after me saying "Welcome home, Izumi." Dad said as he pays my shoulder comfortingly. My mother died a few months ago and being a minor, I was sent to stay with my dad and two siblings. They let me finish my school year back in Miyagi and now I'll be starting my second year of Highschool in Tokyo. My mom only introduced me to my dad and siblings a year ago. I saw them a few times a month since then and I got pretty close to them, especially my brother and sister so I guess this won't too weird.

My dad picked up my suitcase and stepped in front of me. "You don't have to pretend you're okay, Izumi. You lost your mother and you need time to process and heal. We understand that and we'll do anything to make sure that you are comfortable.", he gives me a soft smile. "Now come on, lets take your stuff inside." He walks in before I could say anything.

I enter behind him and look around the place. It was a pretty traditional Japanese house made of wood, yet it had some modern features. I take off my shoes at the foyer and my dad gives me a pair of indoor slippers, "here you go."

I mumble a quiet thanks as I take the slipper from him and put them on. As we're walking, he points to where the kitchen is as well as the living room, dining room and the downstairs bathroom. He takes me upstairs and stops in front of a door. "And this is your new room." He opens the door and gestures for me to enter. "I didn't know what you liked to I got you the basic furniture." He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "You can decorate it as you like later on."

I smile at him, "Thank you for letting me stay here." His eyes slightly widen, "Don't be silly, Izumi, You're my daughter. Of course you'll stay here." He patted my head. "I'll be downstairs, okay? Tetsuro will be here soon and Hori will come later at night. Call me if you need anything okay?"

I nod, "Okay, thank you." I then heard his walk down the stairs, I let out a deep breath, staring at the room in front of me as well as the many boxes and suitcase there. Unpacking was going to take a long time. I closed the door of my room and went over to the bed and I plopped face down on it.

My eyes jerked open by the feeling of someone shaking me gently. The first thing I saw was a guy's face above my own, he had a black bed head and his eyes were hazel and almost cat-like. "Look who's finally awake."

I smile, "hey"

Kuroo crosses him arms "Only a hey? Is this what it's come to? Damn Izumi, you hurt me deeply." He puts a dramatic hand to his heart.

I roll my eyes and get up to hug him, "Here, satisfied?"

He nods and before I could say anything, a softer female's voice came from the doorway, "Why'd you wake her up Tetsuro? She's probably tired, let her rest."

I looked towards the blond girl and I run to hug her, "Hori!"

"I'm so glad you'll be living with us now Izumi." She hugs me tightly. She pulls away, "We're gonna have so much fun together!"

I nod multiple times with a wide smile on my face. She hugs me again, tighter this time.

"Hey! How come she get two hugs and I only get one? I'm your brother too you know" Kuroo says from behind me.

Hori replies with, "Exactly you're her brother not sister. There's a difference and it's a big one." He rolls his eyes at her.

Our dad calls us for dinner, so we walk downstairs to the dining room. The food was all set on the table. Kuroo and Hori sat together, leaving me to sit with our dad. We say thanks for the food and start eating, "So, how is it Izumi?" my dad asks from next to me. I nod as I swallow the food, "So good" I mumble with some food still in my mouth.

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