Chapter 7: Cookies

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The four of us sit quietly at the table as we eat dinner. Hori had messaged me to be back for dinner and added it was urgent. Apparently she had something to tell dad and she didn't want to be alone when she did. She texted Tetsuro the same so he was sitting across for me as we waited for Hori to break the news.

"So, Dad, I have something to tell you." She started.

Dad hummed, "Go ahead."

She took a deep breath, "Okay, just don't freak out."

"Why would I freak out?"

"So I have a boyfriend and he asked me to move in with him." The room feel silent as Dad stared at her in shock. Then she added, "And I said yes." More silence.

She bumped me with her elbow under the table and it was her signal that we discussed earlier; take the attention away from her. I panicked and said, "I broke up with my boyfriend because he cheated on me." Yeah, I definitely took the attention off of her as Dad's stare turned my way slowly.

"And I'm single!" Tetsuro added with a smile. We all looked at him, "Oh I thought we all were talking about our love lives."

Dad shook his head and stared muttering stuff under his breath, then he sighed and look up at Hori, "Why didn't you tell me about this boyfriend of yours?"

"I didn't know how you'd react"

"And you thought I wouldn't react if you told me everything at once?"

'Yeah now that I think about it, it is pretty stupid."

Surprisingly Dad smiles, "You're an adult Hori, if you think you want to do this then I have no problem with it. But I have to meet him first. A proper formal introduction so I can get to know the kind of man he is."

Hori quickly got up and hugged Dad, "Thank you, thank you."

Dad chuckles, "I know, I'm the best dad in the world."

We all laugh.

As I open the sink to wash the dishes, it was my turn today, dad walks in and grabs the towel used to dry the dishes. "Let me help"

I knew what was coming. He was definitely going to bring up what I said earlier.

I wash a plate and give it to him and he starts drying it, "I'm not going to lecture you or anything so don't worry. I just-" he sighs, "I didn't even know you had a boyfriend. And I know you weren't ever going to bring that up if Hori hadn't shared her news. I'm your father, Izumi. I should be the person you come to if a boy breaks your heart so I can say something along the lines of 'tell me his name so I can beat him up'. We both chuckle.

"And I know I don't have any experience with boy advice and stuff cause this the first time with Hori as well. She never had a boyfriend in Highschool." I suppress a smile since I know that's not true, said by Hori herself. But he doesn't have to know that.

He continues, "But I want you to confide in me. And I want you to be open about your emotions, please don't keep everything to yourself. It's not healthy. Talk to someone; doesn't have to be me. Talk to Hori or Tetsuro, or your friend, Fumiko. Just don't bottle it all up."

I nod, "I know Dad, and I will... I just need time to get used to all this." I hug him back "Thanks Dad." He hums, "Now tell me that boy's name so I can go beat him up." I laugh.

I walk into Hori's room where Tetsuro also was. The two look at me in anticipation as I enter and I grin, "He was very understanding. He seems to be in a really good mood."

Hori squeals, "Yes! Also I'm so sorry for making you tell him that."

"Nah it was fine, I'm the one who decided to say it. Either way it doesn't matter 'cause Dad agreed to let you move out!" I high-five Hori.

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