Chapter 4: The school's new hot topic

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It has been ten days since my move to Tokyo. School starts tomorrow and I'm actually kind of excited. Staying at home was boring, especially since none of my friends were here. I did go out with Hori but she was always busy with college or work. Oh and she got the job! She told dad and Kuroo and they were very happy for her.

My only other entertainment was when Kenma came over, we would play on my gaming console and he would win, all the time, with or without cheat codes. Right now was one of those moments. We were sitting on the floor of my living room and I lost to him, again.

"Admit it, I'm just better."

I roll my eyes, "As if. I'm just... I'm letting you win. Cause if I win it's gonna hurt your pride."

"Loser!" Kuroo shouts from behind us on the couch. I turn to glare at him, "You wanna play against me!?" I was way better than Kuroo.

He shuts up, "thought so." I mutter.

"Again" I say with a determined look on my face.

We were halfway through our rematch when Kuroo bursts out laughing. "Izumi! What- even is this?" He says in between laughs. I glance back for a second, "Shut up, I'm playing."

He doesn't stop laughing, "No seriously. You have to see this."

I click my tongue in annoyance and pause the match, giving Kenma an apologetic look. I turn my face and glare at Kuroo again. He turns his phone and I squint to look at the photo since we were a bit far from each other. Then I gasp and quickly get up and snatch the phone from him. "Where did you get this!?"

He laughs even harder, "Not telling. What were you even doing in that?"

My whole face goes red from embarrassment, "It's none of your business."

I look at Kenma, he was already looking at me curious of what we were talking about, "in what?"

I shake my head, "Nothing, just Tetsuro's being stupid."

Kuroo then unexpectedly snatches the phone from my hand and runs over to Kenma and shows him. "Tetsuro!" I shout but obviously he didn't listen.

I sigh in defeat and my shoulders drop, I look at Kenma for his reaction and I see the corners of his lips curve upward slightly into a smile. He doesn't move his head facing the phone, but glances up at me briefly giving me a 'were you for real?' Look.

I get defensive now, "Look! I was only twelve okay?! And I..." Kuroo looked at me, about to laugh again. And Kenma looked up as well. "I really liked this guy and thought if I posted this, he would notice me." I say the last part laughing a bit myself, the whole thing was really stupid and funny.

Kuroo laughs, again, doubling over. I walk up to him and kick him, "yeah okay it's funny. But not that funny."

"I- can't-" Kuroo says as he continues laughing, he grabs his stomach, "I can't- breathe"

Kenma still had that small smile on his face, I grab a cushion from the couch and throw it at him which he manages to block with his arm, "Shut up"

"I didn't say anything."

"Your face says it all. Anyways! Let's continue the match." I say picking up my controller.

I wake up the next morning to Hori shaking me, "'Zumi! you cannot be late for your first day! Get up, I picked up your uniform yesterday, it's in the bathroom."

I groan when Hori leaves my room and sit up. I don't know why, but starting school just set in stone the fact that this was my new life. Living in Tokyo with my dad and siblings. Mom not being here anymore, I still can't process the fact that she isn't here. I rub my eyes with my shirt to wipe the tears in my eyes. I look at my mom's picture frame on my nightstand and sigh, "I wish you were here, mom..."

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